Legacy - STB_5B: Serial number share plan
Elaine has been assigned to E6&5B and Deb to E5. Workload distribution plan: Deb will pick up the FIRST THREE NEW admissions to 5B every month. In the past there has been confusing rules as to which patients Debbie picks up. There is a new rule (effective 11-Aug-14) that will simplify the issue so that anyone doing vacation or sick relief can sort it out. The new rule is: Debbie picks up the first three patients that arrive on 5b from 00:00 hrs, on the first day of the month. It does not matter if they don’t’ get transferred to the 5b/c service attending immediately, two or three days later, or never. When they arrive from 5e or 6e, they are discharged from the e5 or e6 database, and entered into the 5b database.
Start Date
Started: June 1, 2010
- assignment changes with workload redistribution
Stop Date
Unsure - but no longer used as confirmed by p:Joyce Peterson Nov 27.14
5B changes Jan 21.15
- Must do new and backup in AM before starting any collection on this day.
- E6 collector p:Elaine Nagy will continue using the 5B serial number sequence which is about 4290 or so. Will not have to skip any serial numbers anymore.
- E5 collector p:Debbie Page-Newton - will
- start at serial number 150 and the location for any 5B patient collected on or after this date,
- will use location 5B_x
- As of June 2015 the E5 collector will no longer pick up any 5B patients, all patients on 5B will be followed by the E6 data collector. Lisa Kaita 10:40, 2015 August 18 (CDT)
Legacy 5B
- Start at: 5B Serial number 2037
- from every group of 10, Deb will use numbers ending with 1,2,3 and Elaine will use numbers ending with 4,5,6,7,8,9,0.
- example:
- Elaine: 2034-2040, Deb: 2041-2043
- Elaine: 2044-2050, Deb: 2051-2053
- Elaine: 2054-2060, Deb: 2061-2063 etc.........
- start date: Jun 2, 2010
- stop date: Jan 21.15
possible inconsistency
in STB_B5#Workload_splitting it said the following; moved here to at least have inconsistent info in one place:
- start, approx: 2015-Jan-30
- stop: 2015_May_28
No Serials for early studies
There are no serial numbers for early study numbers before incl. Study 13035 CC. There are serials for all medicine studies.
Legacy H4H Nov 26.04- no longer applicable
- H4H For every 100 numbers:
- 1-10 belongs to the B3/D5 Data Collector-takes 3 patients a month
- 11-30 belongs to the D4 Data Collector-takes 6 patients a month
- 31-50 belongs to the A4 Data Collector-takes 6 patients a month
- 51-100 belongs to the H4 Data Collector-takes the balance of the monthly admissions
- Start Date: June 1.2010
- Stop Date: Nov 26.2014
LEGACY: STB_ICU (MICU, SICU, CCU) Serial number sharing plan)
- serial numbering for STB was as follows:
- SICU 1-50
- MICU 51-70
- CCU 71-100
- SICU/MICU combined to one unit Jan 15.07 & the new CICU was open. Serial number group sharing stopped.
Start Date
Stop Date
Nov. 24, 2008 or did we stop it Jan 15.2007?--TOstryzniuk 18:58, 26 October 2010 (CDT)
LEGACY: STB_MED (B4, B5, E5) Serial number sharing plan
- the collector who is assigned to B4 is required to pick up an additional 14 patient per month from B5 and 17 patient from E5 to even out workload.
- B5 - serial 86-100 (these additional pts are entered on B4 using this serial number range for every group of 100).
- E5 - serial numbers 1-20 (these additional pts are entered on B4 using this serial number range for every group of 100).TOstryzniuk 19:24, 4 March 2009 (CST)
Start Date
Started: Sept 17, 2006
a workload redistribution assessment was done to even out the workload for patient admissions vs EFT.
Stop Date
March 31, 2010
LEGACY: Serial Numbering for VIC_MED_N5 & S5
- These two wards are now on one laptop. Numbers are continuous from date last checked. For example, last N5 serial number was 5555 on a particular data collection day and continuing on S5, the first S5 serial number will be 5556.
- To ensure data integrity, have been collecting data one ward per day and utilizing "pre-send checker" tab so locations are accurate.
LEGACY: Serial Numbering for VIC_MED N5_S5_S3
Date changed: July 4.13
Reason: workload redistribution. Noted more admits to S3.
- S3 will now be collected on S4 laptop.
- S4 laptop will end at 8747 and start at serial number 8770 and collect S4 & S3 will be collected starting at 8770 on the S4 laptop.
- N5/S5 will continue to completed the S3 patient already on that laptop. N5/S5 laptop: the last serial number used for S3 is 8760.Trish Ostryzniuk 13:33, 2013 July 8 (CDT)
Date changed: April 1.12
- Reason: Workload redistribution
- any NEW S3 ward admissions starting April 1, 2012 will now be collected on the S5 laptop.
- the LAST serial number used on S4/S3 laptop for an S3 patient is 4956. Any S3 patient files up to this serial number will remain on S4/S3 and be completed by data collector currently assigned to S4 ward-Shirley Kiesmman
- the LAST serial number to be used on the S5 laptop for any S5 or N5 admission will be 4309
- the FIRST serial number to start to use for all S3, S5 & N5 patient admissions will start at Serial number 4957.--Trish Ostryzniuk 16:42, 2012 April 2 (CDT)
moved from "VIC_Medicine_Collection_Guide"
N5 & S5 Data merge to one laptop
N5 & S5 data were merged onto one laptop. Serial numbering for new admissions after merge started at 3264. Irrespective of which ward they are from (N5 or S5), sequence is continuous.
Date of merge N5 & S5
January 5, 2011
S3 collection merge to N5 & S5 laptop
S3 data has merged with N5 & S5 beginning with serial number 4957.
Date of merge S3 with N5 & S5
As of April 1 2012,
- April/15 Laptop VGDATACO504433F is used for CTU/EMIPs/OVERs Laptop VGDATACO is used for N5/S5/S3 VMU
LEGACY: Serial Numbering for GRA_MED_N5_W3
- Week of February 20, 2012 - These two wards will now be on one laptop (N5). Stephanie will start the process to decommission the W3 laptop.
- February 23, 2012 - serial #s for N5 & W3 were merged starting with Serial # 4799; independent W3 serial #s ended with 4290
- N5 & W3 are combined onto 1 laptop and have been for at least a year (Stephanie Cortilet 2013-09-26)
At VIC: the OVER patients which used to be together with EMIP serial sequence from May 2007 will no longer continue starting Jan 28, 2013. The serial sequence will be used entirely by EMIP.