Change to replace Accept DtTm with first Service tmp entry, and Arrive DtTm with first Boarding Loc

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We used to collect only Admit DtTm; at some point this was split into Accept DtTm and Arrive DtTm. With the collection of Boarding Loc and Service tmp entry under 2021-07 rules, this duplicates info:

This page is about the process of eliminating the collection of Admit DtTm and Accept DtTm to avoid that duplication and inconsistencies resulting from it.

Target date

As discussed with Julie, our target date for this change is Oct 1. Ttenbergen 14:39, 2021 September 2 (CDT)

  • Just wondering where this is at, is there a new target date? (Pam)
    • Good question; Julie and I keep finding more things that use the old dates, and we are working on shifting them to the new dates. Not sure about a target date. Ttenbergen 13:23, 2022 January 17 (CST)
  • SMW

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Related Cross-checks

_dev_CCMDB _dev_CFE

  • added: 2021-04-15
  • action: 2021-07-27
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This is a list of queries that relate to accept, arrive

Query check long transfer delayCCMDB.accdbneeds review
Function long LOS()CCMDB.accdbneeds review
Query check CCI each count vs LOSCCMDB.accdbneeds review
Query cardiac arrest throughout admissionCentralized data front end.accdbneeds review
Query Import request matcherDSM Labs Consistency check.accdbneeds review


Is there a target date for eliminating this field? Ttenbergen 15:10, 2021 April 15 (CDT)

  • SMW

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  • work through #Data Integrity Checks SMW), update documentation in process
  • remove ADT2 button that automatically populates this
  • confirm no more actionable links to the two pages
  • replace the summary entries at the top of Patient Viewer; in fact: Do we still need two entries there since all starts at accept now?
  • hide fields in CCMDB.accdb when all done
  • Created Variables
  • added: 2021-04-15
  • action: 2021-08-17
  • Cargo

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  • change the source of her "admit dttm" that she generates via program
  • work through any reports that currently use this concept, update documentation in process
  • added: 2021-04-15
  • action:
  • Cargo

  • Categories

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