Septic Shock

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This page is about the pre-ICD10 diagnosis coding schema. See the ICD10 Diagnosis List, or the following for similar diagnoses in ICD10:Shock, septic

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Category: Cardiovascular Problems (old)


[[:Category: Medical Problem (old)]][[Category: Medical Problem (old)]]

Main Diagnosis: Septic Shock
Sub Diagnosis: SEPTIC SHOCK
Diagnosis Code: Septic Shock - 4400
Comorbid Diagnosis: No
Charlson Comorbid coding (pre ICD10): 0
Program: Critical Care and Medicine
Status: Currently Collected

Mutually exclusive with Severe Sepsis

Also see Septicemia definition.

See QA Septic Shock audit started September 2009.


(1) Blood pressure (BP) criteria

  • If at least one of the following is present, code Septic Shock:
    • systolic BP < 90 mmHg for > 30 minutes and not responding to fluid resuscitation or
    • mean (m)BP < 65 mmHg (is this an "and" to the next line?)
    • BP drop of > 40 mmHg from baseline for > 30 min or
    • use of vasopressor to maintain systolic BP >= 90 mmHg in the absence of other causes of shock, e.g.:
      • no hypovolemia
      • no MI
      • no pulmonary embolus
  • If none of the BP criteria are met:

(2) Other Criteria

Plus at least two of:

(3) Organ Failure Criteria

Plus at least one of (organ failure):

  • Neuro changes: GCS < 14
  • Lactic Acidosis: at least one of
    • LA > 2.0 or
    • PH < 7.30 or
    • BE < 10
  • Oliguria: at least one of
    • urine < 0.5 cc/kg/hr or
    • urine output < 30 ml / hr or
    • serum creatinine increase > 40 uM from baseline
  • Hypoxia: at least one of
    • PaO2 < 75 on RA or
    • PaO2 / FiO2 ratio <280 (not valid due to pneumonia)
  • Coagulopathy: drop in platelets > 25% from baseline plus at least one of
    • > 25% PT or
    • > 25% PTT or
    • NR >1.5

Data Integrity Rules

Septic shock (44-00) is mutually exclusive with 45-00 Severe Sepsis.