Date change bug

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Revision as of 14:54, 28 July 2011 by TOstryzniuk (talk | contribs)
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Hazel from the Vic just reported (Thanks for letting me know! Ttenbergen 10:35, 28 July 2011 (CDT)) that she has had dates change on their own after ver_2011-07-25 went out. This may be related to the buttons I added to the date fields in [[ver_2011-07-13

Apparently Hazel sent data Jul 27, and when she looked at the data this morning some of the dates had changed. Some of them had changed to dates that our error checker should not have let through, which is even more concerning.


  • Has anyone else had any weird occurrences with dates since the last roll-out? Ttenbergen 10:35, 28 July 2011 (CDT)
    • OK, can make an error happen if I enter a date that would be rejected (e.g. dis. dt before adm. dt) manually (no buttons), and then click the exit door without exiting the field first. For me that error means I can't exit at all, so I am not sure if that would be how bad data gets in... Ttenbergen 10:58, 28 July 2011 (CDT)
    • I have noticed that some of my admit dates have changed. When I look at the profile the next day I notice that the date is either a day earlier or a day later than what I originally entered. I thought I was just making a lot of entry errors but now I think it is a glitch. I correct the date and hopefully the ones I sent are OK. I checked with Pagasa a few random ones which seem OK. The output files had already been deleted so I couldn't view my sent files. Anyway when Pagasa cross references the tiss, these errors will be evident. --LKolesar 11:16, 28 July 2011 (CDT)
      • I think it was a problem with the order in which the program writes and checks values. I made some changes and hope that the problem is resolved with CCMDB.mdb_Change_Log_2011#ver_2011-07-28. Please do a News&backup to download, and let me know if this problem persists. Ttenbergen 12:45, 28 July 2011 (CDT)

The Plan to FIX ADMIT Date errors

admit date errors could be present from any files sent from July 13.11 to date.

  • Pagasa has put ALL the SENT csv files on the Regional Server from July 13.11 to date.
    • Folder CC_Admit_Date_Repair - contains all the ICU batches sent to date.
    • Med_Admit_Date_Repair - contains all Med batches sent to date.
  • DATA COLLECTORS: Please check all your sent CSV files on the Regional Server against your paper ADMIT LOG.
  • Make the admit date corrections directly on the CSV file on the Regional Server.
  • Let JULIE know by EMAIL, when you have completed all corrections for your location.
  • Pagasa will re-append and overwrite erroneous data into the master database repository.
  • Pagasa will not correct admit dates manually. The Collectors will have to fix the CSV files on Regional Server.

--TOstryzniuk 15:46, 28 July 2011 (CDT)