Copy to local.bat
for instructions to use see Copying down a clean version of CCMDB.mdb
File Location
The <file>copy_to_local.bat</file> file is located on the Regional Server at:
- <file>\\\WRHA\REGIONWRHA\SHARED\ICU_DATA_COLLECTION\Programs\Master\copy_to_local.bat</file>
What the File Does
- <file>copy_to_local.bat</file> is a script that copies the most current copy of: CCMDB.mdb
- from <file>\\\WRHA\REGIONWRHA\SHARED\ICU_DATA_COLLECTION\Programs\Master</file>
- to the PC/laptop from which it is run.
Additional Notes
Pagasa and Julie use this to copy the latest version of the CCMDB program to their local PC's when they need to open a collector's backup, for example to re-send a file.