Grace Electronic Patient Record

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Revision as of 11:48, 16 December 2013 by SCortilet (talk | contribs)
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was installed over the last year or two; not sure what is required to set this up jsut flagging for now. Ttenbergen 12:17, 2013 May 13 (EDT)

Template:Discussion Grace Collectors:

  • Do you use the Grace EPR?
  • I use the EPR. S.Cortilet
  • Did you need to get it installed on your laptop, and if so, what did it take?
  • it was installed within a folder called "My Citrix Apps" which I believe was installed when they started using ZenWorks
  • Did you need to get an account set up to access it, and what did it take? Ttenbergen 09:50, 2013 December 16 (CST)
  • yes, we need an account that was setup at the inservices held here. When the laptops were changed over in May 2013, the application would not recognize the new laptop, so at that time I had to go through EHealth to reconfigure and reinstall. That was quite difficult. The other collectors have not gone through this process yet. Stephanie