Organizational Suggestions

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Organizational suggestions for Medicine codes

  • Poisoning: 499-17: Baclofen OD should not say iatrogenic

Organizational suggestions for Comorbids

  • Neuro: quadriplegia : should have for any reason not just post polio or post trauma

Missing many serious neuromuscular diseases like spina bifida, Riley Day, Huntington’s chorea. Suggest putting “any neuromuscular disease” in comorbids to cover all possibilities.

  • Quadraparesis post-op: Why just post op? and what about hemiparesis or any paresis for any reason?
  • Other problems section: schizophrenia: could we not put any psychiatric condition

eg. Bipolar


    • 850: should be in collagen section
    • 851: should be in post –op other
    • 852: should be in poisoning section
    • 868: should be in vascular section (type of vasculitis)
    • 871: suggested to put in collagen section
    • 873: should be in collagen section
    • 876, 877, 878 & 880should be in genitourinary system
    • 879: should be in hematology section
    • 883 and 884: should be in hematology
    • 886: noonans is a congenital heart defect and also short stature: suggest cardiovascular section
    • 890: should be in GI section
    • 896: potts disease: extrapulmonary TB in bones and joints could put in collagen section
    • 898: should be under cardiovascular
    • 901: should be under endocrine, metabolic

Also suggest separate GI/GU section.

  • Mastectomy is under GI/GU procedures: wrong place. Should be under “other procedures”
  • Under post-op “other” section: 848- 1, 2 and 3 are all plastics procedures & should be put in the post-op plastic surgery section.


I just wanted everyone to look at these suggestions for reorganization that I made quite a while ago. Let me know if you see any other issues. --LKolesar 09:59, 14 January 2010 (CST)

  • Good work. I have just read the info but will take me a bit longer to organize my thoughts. Just wanted to mention that Huntington's is listed as a comorb 543 - 0, but not as an admit diagnosis. Will give you more feedback later.--FLindell 13:33, 14 January 2010 (CST)
    • Patience please. Changes have been in the works and you will be hearing about them soon.....Lab, pharm and DX codes, collection process changes etc.- TOstryzniuk 17:30, 14 January 2010 (CST)