Discussion & Question Instruction

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Revision as of 09:53, 2008 December 23 by Ttenbergen (talk | contribs)
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If you have details to add, disagree with an idea, have concerns, or a question, please write it under a discussion "heading".

Adding to an existing discussion

Adding a discussion to an article

  • click on the "edit" link next to the heading of the topic you want to comment on
  • count the number of "=" signs used for that heading
  • go to the end of the section and
    • add a {{Discussion}} to add the discussion template, which will add the picture and put the article into the category:questions questions category
    • add the sub-heading =Discussion= with one more "=" than the earlier heading; this listsin the index of the article at the top where the discussion is

How to communicate inside a discussion

Responding to a point

After the point you are responding to

  • put one more "*" than the previous comment
  • write your text
  • end it with ~~~~, which will translate into your signature and the time when you save
  • optionally, press the "Show Preview" button to see what your comment will look like
  • press the Save Page button

Making a new point

  • Go to the end of the existing comments
  • Add two blank lines after the end of the existing point to put a blank line to separate your point from the previous
  • put a "*" at the beginning of the line
  • add your question/comment
  • end the line with a ~~~~, which will translate into your signature and the time when you save
  • optionally, press the "Show Preview" button to see what your comment will look like
  • press the Save Page button

If there is no article for the topic you want to discuss

If an article for the topic you are concerned about does not exist yet (i.e. you have typed any keywords you can think of into the "search" box and clicked on the "search" button), create an article on the topic. Add the tag Discussion to the article to categorize it as a question.

"Discussion" Tab

We are not using the discussion tab at the top of the page to prevent people from missing that there is a discussion going on.