Proposed future changes to Location and Transfer Ready and related fields

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For legacy reasons, we collect general location info in Boarding Loc info in the L TmpV2 table. We decided at some task meeting to change the name of this to just "Unit".

We also collect Transfer Ready DtTm tmp entry in the L TmpV2 table. This info should really be inherently linked with its associated location, ie it should form one record, likely with two date fields.

There is some desire to store the Service tmp entry data in a field in this structure as well, although it really doesn't fit there relationally (there can be different number of records for these). In any case, there is some desire to move these out of the L TmpV2 table.

Additionally, we no longer need the Accept DtTm (replaced by first Service tmp entry dttm or the Arrive DtTm. Having both is causing some confusion in definitions, and duplicate entry of same data.

Proposed change

Add a new L_Locations table (and user interface components) to contain the following:

  • Unit, Unit_Start_DtTm, Unit_End_DtTm, transfer ready (yes/no), transfer ready date_time(if yes), Comment
  • I propose we drop the "end" one since it would be the start of the next one (ie duplication) or the Dispo DtTm. If we include the Unit End DtTm we should get rid of the Dispo DtTm. Ttenbergen 15:50, 2021 February 11 (CST)
  • SMW

  • Cargo

  • Categories

Add a new L_Services table (and user interface components)to contain the following: Service, Service_Start_DtTm, service end datetime, unit, comment.

  • As for unit, I propose we drop the "end" one...
  • SMW

  • Cargo

  • Categories


The fields we are planning to change are deeply integrated into our processes, so a lot of documentation and cross checks would need to be reviewed and updated. A lot of these already have unanswered questions. At a meeting 2021-02-11 with Allan, Julie, Tina and Trish we determined that we don't have enough resources right now to deal with existing questions, never mind a major overhaul. So, it was decided to shelve this for now and review in 6 months. Tina has booked a meeting for Oct 13 2021 to review.