CCMDB.mdb Change Log 2013

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The CCMDB.mdb Change Log logs changes made to the CCMDB.mdb. New entries should be made at the top to be immediately apparent.

Enter requested CCMDB changes for the next version in that article.


ver 2013-01-29

rolled out Ttenbergen 14:24, 2013 January 31 (EST)

  • added "z not available" to each item for Project ABO TEE
  • changed query driving the tmp form to display lines for which no entry exist in s_tmp, e.g. lines without project/item, so they can be fixed Ttenbergen 14:14, 2013 January 31 (EST)

ver 2013-01-28

rolled out yesterday Ttenbergen 13:47, 2013 January 29 (EST)

  • tweaks to Project ABO TEE
    • implement ABO TEE LV fraction options as per discussion on wiki - Ttenbergen 13:51, 2013 January 28 (EST)

ver 2013-01-26

rolled out Ttenbergen 10:50, 2013 January 28 (EST)

  • Changes reviewed. Think I answered all your questions. Lois needs to final confirm your question about ABO TEE - LV range or exact Value.
  • fixed Med Var 5 for GRA and Vic
    • the option was present in s_varOptions, but the field had been made invisible in Public Sub Legacy_Hider()
  • implemented Project ABO TEE - Ttenbergen 17:33, 2013 January 25 (EST)
  • changed uncontrolled HTN to Uncontrolled Hypertension - Ttenbergen 17:33, 2013 January 25 (EST)
  • changed Tracheostomy site infection‎ to list as an infection - Ttenbergen 17:51, 2013 January 25 (EST)
  • added Overstay entry capability for the Vic Ttenbergen 10:40, 2013 January 28 (EST)