Septic Shock

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This page is about the pre-ICD10 diagnosis coding schema. See the ICD10 Diagnosis List, or the following for similar diagnoses in ICD10:Shock, septic

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Category: Cardiovascular Problems (old)


[[:Category: Medical Problem (old)]][[Category: Medical Problem (old)]]

Main Diagnosis: Septic Shock
Sub Diagnosis: SEPTIC SHOCK
Diagnosis Code: 44-00
Comorbid Diagnosis: No
Charlson Comorbid coding (pre ICD10): 0
Program: Critical Care and Medicine
Status: Currently Collected

Mutually exclusive with Severe Sepsis

Also see Septicemia definition.

See QA Septic Shock audit started September 2009.


(1) Blood pressure (BP) criteria

  • If at least one of the following is present, code Septic Shock:
    • systolic BP < 90 mmHg for > 30 minutes and not responding to fluid resuscitation or
    • mean (m)BP < 65 mmHg (is this an "and" to the next line?)
    • BP drop of > 40 mmHg from baseline for > 30 min or
    • use of vasopressor to maintain systolic BP >= 90 mmHg in the absence of other causes of shock, e.g.:
      • no hypovolemia
      • no MI
      • no pulmonary embolus
  • If none of the BP criteria are met:

(2) Other Criteria

Plus at least two of:

(3) Organ Failure Criteria

Plus at least one of (organ failure):

  • Neuro changes: GCS < 14
  • Lactic Acidosis: at least one of
    • LA > 2.0 or
    • PH < 7.30 or
    • BE < 10
  • Oliguria: at least one of
    • urine < 0.5 cc/kg/hr or
    • urine output < 30 ml / hr or
    • serum creatinine increase > 40 uM from baseline
  • Hypoxia: at least one of
    • PaO2 < 75 on RA or
    • PaO2 / FiO2 ratio <280 (not valid due to pneumonia)
  • Coagulopathy: drop in platelets > 25% from baseline plus at least one of
    • > 25% PT or
    • > 25% PTT or
    • NR >1.5

Dae.ta Integrity Rules

Septic shock (44-00) is mutually exclusive with 45-00 Severe Sepsis.

  • What time should I record as the 1st BP related to septic shock?

Mar 10 admitted with HAP (e.coli, serratia, candida), pleural effusions, cardiomyopathy Mar 15 pleural tap of the effusions Mar 18 cardiac arrest no cool Mar 20 extubated Mar 23 Decreased LOC due to C02- reintubated Mar 24 tracheostomy Mar 25 C. diff positive Mar 25 slow decline in Hgb addressed Mar 26 abrupt decrease in Hgb from 81 to 68 Transfused Mar 27 on and off belly pain. Tarry stool. Transfused. CT abd showed no evidence of a bleed. Mar 28 Hgb again decreased to 68. Transfused. Mar 29 Gastroscopy showed non bleeding duodenal ulcer. Suggested a colonoscopy but never done. WBC 9.9. Afebrile. Still abd pain. ABG 7.41 CO2 35 O2 68 (low from his normal). Query ischemic gut. Mar 30 Lactate increased from 2.3 in the am to 6.5 at 2010. CT abd at 2135 showed nothing definitive but ischemic colitis not ruled out. 2115 first systolic BP less that 90 and started on neo. T-36.4 HR 133 RR 34 WBC 10.6 INR increased to 1.9 Urine output adequate. ABG at 2210 7.20 CO2 47 PO2 77 Still query ischemic gut. Mar 31 By 0805 Neo stopped and levo started. Temp 37 RR controlled at 20 HR 100 WBC 1.8 Lactate 4.5 ABG 7.22 CO2 56 O2 74 Anuric Accucheck 2.1 Pip taz ordered at 0810 and given at 0815. By 1215 Levo at 1.4 Amiodarone started for SVT and Accucheck continue to be low and D50 amps given. At 1320 a PA cath is inserted. T 38.3 CVP 12 PCWP 13 SVR 866 CI 2.5 Venous O2 35 At 1715 CI 1.7 and SVR 1424 Ph 7.1 Lactate 10.7 Now definately cardiogenic shock At 2005 pt expires Blood cultures taken on Mar 31 were negative Sputum from Mar 31 continues to show e.coli and candida Urine from Mar 31 e. coli now growing. Antibiotic hx: Cefotaxime Mar 10, 11, 12

              Cipro Mar 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
              No antibiotics Mar 20-25
              Flagyl Mar 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
              Pip-taz Mar 31

For the septic study would I use the the first BP drop on Mar 30 at 2115 even though they thought they were dealing with ischemic gut which was not entirely ruled out or the BP on Mar 31 at 0805 when the switched to levo and first ordered pip-taz when they now thought they were dealing with septic shock. If I record Mar 30th BP it will show a big delay in receiving the antibiotic. Mar 31 too showed a mixed shock as evidenced by the PA numbers.--MWaschuk 16:18, 12 April 2010 (CDT)

    • Mary lou, this patient had a course of antibiotics for the HAP, then flagyl was started for the c.diff. The ischemic gut clearly is a septic source and as soon as they knew they had an ischemic gut they should have started antibiotics. If the first low BP was on Mar 30 at 2115 this would be the time I would use. ( I assume your BP was stable for the other prior septic sources of HAP and c.diff colitis). --LKolesar 13:26, 13 April 2010 (CDT)