Acquired Diagnosis / Complication

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For other types of diagnoses, see Admit Diagnosis and Comorbid Diagnosis.

Acquired Diagnoses, also referred to as complications, are diagnoses that happen to a patient after they physically arrive on the unit (ie after the Arrive DtTm. An Acquired Diagnosis / Complication is coded by setting the Dx_Type to "acquired".

  • SMW

  • Cargo

  • Categories

See Admit Diagnosis and Comorbid Diagnosis for info on coding dxs that happen prior to arrival on your ward.

Acquired diagnoses are prioritized (Dx Priority field) in order of occurrence.

Coding for Acquireds/complications follows the general ICD10 collection instructions.

The Dx_Date is mandatory for Acquireds/complications.

onset not discovery

Acquired diagnoses do not refer to diagnoses that have been discovered after the patient comes to the unit if it is likely that the patient was admitted to ward with the problem in the first place but it took a few days to figure that out.

Repeating Complications

  • In general things that occur, fully resolve, and then recur SHOULD be coded each time they recur.
    • e.g. postop hemorrhage --> goes to OR to have it fixed --> IS fixed ---> 3 days later has more postop hemorrhage
  • For things that happen multiple times, some we WANT to list multiply and others we only list once
    • The ones we only list once include that info: Template:ICD10 Guideline repeated events. These are generally signs/symptoms, and arrythmias.
    • Otherwise, DO list it multiply --- e.g. after admit has a stroke --> 4 days later has a NEW/DIFFERENT stroke.

Data Structure

Acquired Diagnoses are drawn from S_ICD10 table and stored in L_ICD10 table.

Cross checks

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