Cognos2 Service Starter

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Cognos2 Service Starter is used as part of Using Cognos2 to keep track of patients to list the patient services that came in on the Cognos EPR Report and facilitate getting new records started, or update existing records with new service info. It's part of Cognos2 can be opened with the "CSS" button on the Main Form (CCMDB.accdb).

Cognos2 Service Starter can be opened with the "CSS" button on the Main Form .

Use this to figure out which service records in Cognos don't have an entry on your laptop yet, and to start an entry for it. Lines with a white plus don't have a profile for this pt on this laptop yet. Lines with a pink plus already have a record, but may need a new one or a new Service tmp entry.

Use the O and + buttons to open resp. add records. Meanings of colours are at the bottom of the screen. The buttons will open the record to the Patient Viewer Tab Cognos ADT2, where other service or unit entries for that record can then be entered.


We receive some data that doesn't really apply to us. You can remove it from CSS by clicking the "exclude" button on that line to remove a single service/time combination; if the same pt shows up again for the same service with a different time later, a new line will show (i.e. excluding a patient once doesn't mean they will never show up again).

You can click on the chart number field of an entry to see exclusions that have been set for this MRN. If a line was excluded accidentally, you can delete it from the exclusions and it will show up again in CSS if it is still in the most recent Cognos dump.

Use the "View exclusions" button to see all lines that have been excluded, i.e. including lines for which there is not currently a record in the cognos dump; this is by hospital MRN so search/filter with that.

Why does this not contain unit info?

Doing so would introduce clutter and additional lines since unit starts and service starts don't always align. See CUS for unit starts.

Which lines in CSS require action

All lines in CSS require action. See Using Cognos2 to keep track of patients.

  • when a patient is transferred to one of our units, eventually the first Service tmp entry service and first boarding Loc will have to be the same date and time (we have a cross-check for this). However, often they are not the same in Cognos. In these cases, always use the first actual Cognos service entry with its Cognos date and time as your first Service tmp entry. If that is different from the first Cognos unit entry (which you would use as your first Boarding Loc entry, that is OK for the time being.
  • Instructions said "(make a note in the notes field to change to the first Boarding Loc date and time at a later date when reviewing the chart)" but that should not be necessary since the cross check will catch this before sending. So, do we want this part of the instruction? Ttenbergen 09:47, 2022 May 19 (CDT)
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  • example- patient transfers from ICU to medical unit. first medicine service=May10@1400, First boarding loc=May10@1630. While the correct first service and first Boarding Loc should be May 10@1630, enter the first service date and time from COGNOS for both first service (May 10@1400). There are two reasons for this; if you change the first service date and time without excluding that service it will fill up your CSS and you will not get the associated service end date and time. If you exclude then that service entry all together or change the time then the record will not show up in Cognos Ender.
  • Does the above "exception" only apply to ICU patients transferring to med? Are there implications for patients admitted while in ER? This would also be applicable to transfers from non collection units ie. fam med to med. Pamela Piche 08:09, 2022 May 19 (CDT)
    • It's required for technical reasons, so should apply to all. Ttenbergen 09:47, 2022 May 19 (CDT)
  • What if collectors forget to include reminder notes?
    • Nothing should happen, cross check should catch this, see comment above. Ttenbergen 09:47, 2022 May 19 (CDT)
  • Is there now more than one process to manage cognos service entries by collectors, one being to enter known incorrect data to make corrections later-is this setting collectors up for potential entry errors? Will this complicate cross coverage? Pamela Piche 08:25, 2022 May 19 (CDT)
    • Since everyone is supposed to do it the same way this should, if anything, make cross coverage easier than it is now, where some people enter the Cognos date initially and some enter the final date initially. Ttenbergen 09:47, 2022 May 19 (CDT)
  • SMW

  • Cargo

  • Categories

"Show records on laptop with same chart number" button

The button at the end of the line will list the Previous entry form records only for this chart number.

W+ toggle

The "W+" toggle button filters to only records with a white plus, ie no entries on laptop for that pt yet. Now that records that are dealt with will come off the list, this button should no longer be very useful.

Cognos Import Button

There is a button in the top right corner of CSS that allows anyone who has the Cognos data email to import it. There is no process for this yet, and it will generally not work for collectors. It's just a contingency tool for now.

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