Data User Portal for the Manitoba Critical Care and Medicine Databases

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Revision as of 12:38, 2021 October 27 by Agarland (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to the external user's portal for the Manitoba Critial Care and Internal Medicine Ward Databases. Updated October 27, 2021.


  • Using identical data structure, and stored together, these data include two aspects of inpatient medicine:
    • The ICU database (ICUDB) began in 1988, including the Medical ICU and Surgical ICU at Winnipeg Health Sciences Centre. Starting in 1998 it has included all adult ICUs in the Winnipeg Health Region of the province of Manitoba. The number of the number of hospitals containing adult ICUs, the number of adult ICUs, and the number of beds within the ICUs have fluctuated over time. As of October 2021 it includes ICUs in 3 Winnipeg hospitals: Health Sciences Centre (MICU, SICU and Intermediate ICU [IICU, a chronic ventilator unit]), St. Boniface Hospital (MSICU, Cardiac Surgical ICU, CCU), and Grace Hospital (MSICU).
    • The Internal Medicine Ward database (IMWDB) began in 2003, including such wards in hospitals within the Winnipeg Health Region. The number of wards included increased over time ................ ALLAN you have to find out and then include here when it grew to include ALL such wards

Using this Wiki

  • This Wiki is the master source of all information about these databases. These databases have experienced a continuous evolution over time, with numerous changes in what is collected, how it is collected, and how it is stored. Discontinued, "legacy" items are indicated as such in the Wiki.
  • Consequently, the Wiki is highly complex.
  • We have divided this introductory portal for external users into 2 segments, which overlap:
    • The first segment will help you understand the data contained within the databases
    • The second segment addresses the actual structure of how the data is stored

Understanding the Data Elements

-sl diff for the 2 DBs

The Structure of the Data

  • Although once upon a time this was a single "flat table", it is now a relational database including many separate data tables linked together, including 1-to-1 linkages, and 1-to-many linkages. The master record identifier for all table linkages is the D ID field.
  • The master list of all included tables can be found in: CCMDB_Data_Structure. Clicking on any of the tables in that Wiki page will take you to it's own page, which includes what data is contained in it.
  • Many data elements containing categories of information are coded. Example: for the discharge location (disposition) field Dispo what is stored is not words (e.g. home, other hospital, death etc) but numbers. The tables holding the translation for such codes are "S-tables", which are listed in the "support tables" item in CCMDB_Data_Structure.
  • One of the hardest tables to comprehend is L_TmpV2 table which we often refer to as the "temp table".
    • While each entry into this table links to a single database record, for that record it may include a variety of different types of data. Each entry includes some variables that identify the nature of the data element stored in that entry, and then the element itself.

Starting links