Processes around changing a PatientFollow assignment

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Revision as of 17:44, 2020 November 23 by Ttenbergen (talk | contribs)
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Patients are assigned to collectors using the PatientFollow Project. This page explains what needs to happen when an assignment is changed. The collector/laptop that used to collect a number needs to phase out that number, the collector/laptop who gains that number needs to start them, and we need to be sure that Julie will report on them continuously. We need a process where the time frame for the transition is limited.

Work in progress. In discussion with Julie, Trish and Tina
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Since PatientFollow Project assignments are based on the Service Start DtTm (collected as Service tmp entry), the transition is based on of the Service Start/Change dttms.

Process for the collector who will no longer be collecting the chart number ending

Process for the collector who will now be collecting the chart number ending

Cross-threshold records that persist for a long time

A change in unit or service will trigger a re-assignment, but a patient could remain on the same unit and service for a long time after a PatientFollow change. If the change was just done for workload re-distribution reasons this may not matter and collection can continue on the original laptop. If the re-assingment was done to wind down a laptop entirely the the remaining records should be discussed with main office on a regular basis to decide if collection should continue on that laptop, or if the record should be moved to the new laptop (ie. manually re-entered there, and deleted from old laptop). This will be a case-by-case decision.

What needs to be changed in CCMDB.mdb every time there are assignment changes

The S PatientFollow distribution table needs to be updated to set an ending time for the earlier laptop. A new line needs to be added for the later laptop, with the same start DtTm as the end DtTm for the earlier one.

Process Julie uses to re-connect the data

To Do

Fix the cross checks so this can work; one way would be to exempt records with a visit admit dttm before follow-ending and a dispo (or now) after a follow-ending; messy query for messy times.

  • added: no added date
  • action: no action date
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