Questions for Kumar Team Meeting June 6, 2012

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Questions for Kumar Jun 6 team meet- HSC site submitted

  1. Examples of culture reports to be put up on projector: questions in regards to how to interpret
  • Pat Stein provided four examples

Case examples & questions:

  1. COPD’s
  • pts thrown onto Antibiotics (IV and/or PO)
  • no cultures sent majority of the time
    • Question: should this be coded as a CAP or bronchitis?
  • RE: Septicemia - our DX code book says septicemia (bacteremia/fungemia)
  1. a.)
  • RE: Medicine ward patient
    • Pt admitted with fever NYD
    • Blood cultures negative
    • Doctor note – not mention of sepsis
      • Question: How do we code?
  1. b.)
  • RE: Medicine ward patient
    • Pt admitted with DX of being “Septic” as per Doc notes
    • Blood cultures negative
    • TX with IV then PO antibiotics
      • HSC codes as septicemia with subcode negative blood cultures.
        • Question: a.) Should this be coded as septicemia?
        • Question: b.) Is it better to overcode than undercode?

  1. a.)
  • Patient with pseudomonas in the ETT secretions
    • no infiltrate on CXR
    • no other signs of symptoms of pneumonia
  1. b.)
  • Patient has stenotrophomonas maltrophilia in ETT secretions
    • no infiltrate on CXR
      • Question: Which organisms could fall under the category of “resistant organisms WITHOUT infection”?
  1. a.)
  • Patient being treated for HAP and has ETT cultures that are +ve for stenotrophomonas maltophilia
    • recovers of first incident of HAP and is off antibiotics
    • Gets a “second incident” of HAP. ETT cultures are now +ve for ecoli and stenotrophomonas.
    • for this culture, ecoli is only tested for sensitivity
      • Question:a.) Is the second incident of HAP due to mixed bacteria or is it ecoli?
      • Question b.) what exactly does it mean when sensitivities on mixed cultures are specific to one organism?
      • Question c.) why are there no sensitivities done on some cultures and no sensitivities are done but antibiotics are given?
        • Example: ETT 2+ stenotrohomonas maltophilia & 2+ enterococcus (but no sensitivity done).

  1. Question: Should cultures +ve with yeast be codes as infection if no treatment?

  1. Shingles – HSC staff use the subcode varicella zoster even if no culture sent.
  • When coding zoster infections of the skin (cellulitis) often the diagnosis is made without a specimen being sent. It is more important to get the right diagnosis than whether a culture was sent or not, therefore, put in cellulitis and the organism even if a sample was not sent. If herpetic skin infections are audited the auditor will know that the diagnosis is usually made by clinical observation only.
      • Question: a.) Is the above method correct to capture?
      • Question: b.) Are there other infection we should do the same for? Example "thrush"?

  1. Question: Is there a good reference article on types of types of infections in ICU that is current that would be a good resource for collectors?