Swap Locations

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Some sites use swap locations as entries in EPR.

When patients need to switch locations due to medical reasons, patient swap locations can be performed in the ADT EPR. For example, patient A and patient B need to switch locations. Patient A is in a private room and patient B is in a semi-private room. Both patients could be transferred into the swap location or non-census location, freeing up both of the unit beds. Then both Patient A and Patient B can be transferred into the correct unit and room/bed.


A patient was in a swing bed from 0243 until 0405 that is the actual arrival time to the unit. The patient remained in ER until 0405 but MR staff had to electronically enter/place the patient somewhere.

The problem

Swing or swap locations are not real locations. While listed as in a swap location, the pt might still be in the old location or already be in a new location that gets entered after. Collectors seem to review the chart, make sense of what actually happened, and enter accordingly.

Is there ever "room for interpretation" where both collectors would still consider the pt on their unit, or where both would consider them already/still on the other unit? If not, how and why?
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The use of swap or swing locations makes it hard to follow patients in Cognos Report Integrator, so we need to find out more about how these are used.

possible solution: exclude by filter

  • One option would be to omit lines with current unit is a swap location from the cognos data via filter automatically, but it's not clear if this will result in the previous and subsequent records having non-matching next locations and previous locations. Can we just delete these lines from Cognos? Ttenbergen 14:03, 2020 August 28 (CDT)
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One problem with filtering these out would be that, I think, the unit record for a swap location might be the same as the unit record for a successive stay in that unit; ie. the bed entry chagnes, but the unit remains the same. So, the unit start dttm and unit end dttm don't care if part of the unit stay was in a swap location. Is that not true? If it is true, then how would we filter these out? if I eliminate every line that has a swap/swing bed (which I can do) then we will not get any line for those pts who never get into a real bed on that unit (which may be good), but we would still get the same line with unit start and end times including the swap/swing time for patients who eventually get into a bed on that unit. Ttenbergen 12:07, 2020 December 2 (CST)

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For these reasons all swing bed entries should be filtered out if possible.

possible solution: exclude by manual exclude

  • Another option, and this seems to be what is being done now, is for collectors to "exclude" unit lines from Cognos that list "wrong" start or end times because part of the time is in a swap location.
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This will not exclude the record from Cognos2 Ender since that is based on service rather than unit.

Location specific info

"Swing beds" at STB

Are the following the STB ones? AsgnBed_Current

  • SBGH-L2ME-L2SWG-01
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  • added: no added date
  • action: no action date
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??? at HSC

  • Do these exist at HSC and what are they called? I didn't see any bed names that made me think "swing" or "swap".
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"Swap locations" at GRA

These show up in the AsgnBed_Current as:

  • GH-SWAP Location

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