TISS quality checks

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This is a list of all Checks in Category:TISS28 check, with summaries and any discussions currently in those pages.


  • This is a good starting place from which to discuss required TISS checks
  • SMW

  • Cargo

  • Categories
edit page App Status Timing Firmness Summary question who
edit page App Status Timing Firmness Summary question who
edit Query check CCI TISS Intubation vs Intubated CCMDB.accdb implemented always hard check Any marked TISS Item in T28 - Planned extubation (TISS Item) or in T29 - Unplanned extubation (TISS Item) must have the T22 - ETT Present (TISS Item) on the same date.
edit Query check CCI TISS discontinuous ETT CCMDB.accdb implemented complete soft check T22 - ETT Present (TISS Item) should start with an T40 - Insertion of ETT (TISS Item) and end with an T28 - Planned extubation (TISS Item) or T29 - Unplanned extubation (TISS Item).
edit Query check CCI ICD10 Dialysis no Dx CCMDB.accdb implemented complete hard check If a profile has one of the #Dialysis CCI Items there should also be one of the #Dialysis qualifying Dxs.
edit Query check CCI TISS time means must be two CCMDB.accdb declined complete soft check If certain Px Dates have a time component, then there should also be a matching CCI Picklist without the time
edit Query check ICD10 trach dxs consistent CCMDB.accdb implemented hard check Tracheostomy related CCI and ICD10 codes must be consistent with each other.
edit Query check CCI TISS Pharm Vasoactive CCMDB.accdb implemented complete hard check Compare Vasoactive drug IV continuous-single (TISS Item)/T14 - Vasoactive drug IV continuous-multiple simultaneous (TISS Item) against Pharmacy entries for vasoactive drugs.
edit Query NDC Dialysis TISS CCI CCMDB.accdb declined complete hard check Critical care patients who have CCI entries for a type of dialysis must have a TISS28 entry for the same type of dialysis as well, and vice versa.
edit Query check CCI TISS Vented without mechanism CCMDB.accdb implemented complete hard check Any marked TISS Item T18 - Invasive Mechanical Ventilation (TISS Item) has to have (T22 - ETT Present (TISS Item) or T23 - Trach Tube Present (TISS Item)) for the same date.
edit Query NDC cardioversion dx vs TISS Centralized data front end.accdb retired complete hard check If pt has Acquired Procedure Cardioversion (EXCLUDE defibrillation-we are not tracking), then the TISS28 item T26 & 27 - Cardioversion (TISS Item) (T41) must be marked.
edit Query NDC VAP no TISS Centralized data front end.accdb declined always hard check If a patient has a Acquired Diagnosis Pneumonia, ventilator-associated (VAP) and no TISS28 items T18 - Invasive Mechanical Ventilation (TISS Item) (T18) then this is an error.
edit Query check CCI TISS matching BoardingLoc time CCMDB.accdb implemented incomplete hard check If the Px Date component of a CCI Picklist has a time, then there must be a corresponding Boarding Loc entry
edit Query check CCI TISS NrDays LT LOS CCMDB.accdb implemented complete hard check There are more TISS Item Px_Dates than there are days between the first Service tmp entry and Dispo DtTm
edit Query check ICD10 CLI vs CCI CentralLine CCMDB.accdb implemented complete hard check Checks for critical care patients who have a Iatrogenic, infection, central venous catheter-related bloodstream infection (CVC-BSI, CLI) but no T17 - Central venous catheter (TISS Item).
edit Query check CCI TISS CAM positive vs Dx CCMDB.accdb declined always hard check Checks that each T9 - CAM positive (TISS Item) goes with an ICD10 code from Category:Delirium
edit Query check CCI TISS if no then none CCMDB.accdb implemented incomplete hard check If No TISS Item (TISS Item) in CCI Picklist there must be no other entry from TISS Item List in CCI Picklist, and vice versa
edit Query check ICD10 trach has trach but no TISS CCMDB.accdb implemented always soft check If there is a Tracheostomy, has one (Z93.0) ICD10, there should likely be a T23 - Trach Tube Present (TISS Item)
edit Query check CCI TISS spont breath no tube CCMDB.accdb declined always hard check A patient with T19 - Spontaneous breathing via ETT without PEEP/CPAP, with or without supplemental O2 (TISS Item) must also have (T22 - ETT Present (TISS Item) or T23 - Trach Tube Present (TISS Item))
edit Query check TISS each day CCMDB.accdb declined complete hard check There needs to be at least one TISS entry in CCI Picklist for each day for each ICU profile.
edit Query check CCI TISS NrDays GT LOS CCMDB.accdb implemented incomplete hard check There are more TISS Item Px_Dates than there are days between the first Service tmp entry and Dispo DtTm
edit Query check ICD10 trach create but no TISS CCMDB.accdb implemented always hard check If there is an acquired Tracheostomy creation there also has to be a Trach Tube Present (TISS Item)

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