Template:ICD10 Guideline Admit vs Acquired

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This template is used in Comorbid Diagnosis and Admit Diagnosis to give consistent instructions when to use either or neither.

To use:

{{ICD10 Guideline Como vs Admit}}

Como Admit Acquired Primary Limits - this is part of that discussion - if we limit which admits will count as comos we need to review

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When to code an Admit Diagnosis vs Acquired Diagnosis

  • Example1 -- patient's care is taken over by Medicine service while he is still in ED. The admission diagnosis is DKA. He remains on Medicine service in ED (due to lack of ward beds) for 2 days, after which he finally gets up to the Medicine ward and then has a stroke. The stroke is an Acquired Diagnosis, and would still be acquired even if it had occurred during those 2 days in ED.
  • Dx is relevant to this admission in that it is either:
    • (a) an acute or exacerbated condition (as opposed to a chronic, stable condition -- e.g. stable diabetes), OR
    • (b) it is a condition not directly related to the reason(s) for admission, but its treatment is being actively managed -- and by actively we mean that during this admission changes are made to the management.
  • Example2: Patient with TB has been treated for the past 5 (of his 9 expected) months admitted now for acute MI.

Onset not discovery

Acquired diagnoses do not refer to diagnoses that have been discovered after the patient comes to the unit if it is likely that the patient was admitted to ward with the problem in the first place but it took a few days to figure that out. Code these as Comorbid Diagnosis, and also, if appropriate (i.e. it was related to the reason for admission) as a Admit Diagnosis.

Diagnosis categories in relation to patients moving around the hospital

  • This section explains how to determine the Dx Types as a patient moves from place to place within a hospital -- i.e. during a single hospitalization. In this section we'll refer to a person who moves from A to B to C (e.g. A and C are ICU while B is ward; so 3 separate records in the database)
  • Rule#1: Situation where a diagnosis is NEW to this hospitalization [i.e. either it: (a) was an Admit Diagnosis to location A that was not a chronic, pre-existing disorder before hospitalization, OR (b) developed after admission, as an acquired diagnosis while in location A], then:
    • when you start records B or C do NOT include that diagnosis as a comorbid
    • if by the time they are transferred to the subsequent location it is resolved and no longer being treated, then it should not show up as any kind of diagnosis for that subsequent record
    • if by the time they are transferred to the subsequent location it is still being dealt with medically, and indeed is part of the reasons they are going to the new location, then it should be listed as an Admit Diagnosis for that subsequent record
  • Rule#2: The group of diagnoses that represent "past history" (e.g. Past history, loss of limb(s) are also guided by Rule#1.
  • Rule#3: The "duration" of a diagnostic event (e.g. pneumonia vs. an arrythmia) has no role in decision-making about how these diagnoses are listed (or not)

Rules 1 and 2 are clear, could rule 3 be further clarified

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Legacy - prior to PatientFollow Project

expand for pre-PatientFollow Project info   

Prior to PatientFollow Project there was one record per ward/unit stay, so the distinction between Admit Diagnosis and Acquired Diagnosis would have been made on a per-unit basis; since then it is made on a per-PatientFollow Project profile basis.

Controlling Dx Type for ICD10 codes

This wiki page talks about which ICD10 codes are allowed to be Comorbid Diagnosis vs. Admit Diagnosis vs. Acquired Diagnosis Dx Type. See Controlling Dx Type for ICD10 codes for a discussion about cross-checks for these.