Patient copier button

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Template:Potential Change We are thinking about adding functionality to CCMBD.mdb but want to make sure it is worthwhile. Also, we want to know a bit more about the proposal to prioritize it against other tasks.

We hear repeatedly about patients being shuffled back and forth between units, or being re-admitted after very short absences from the unit. Sometimes a record for the patient is still on CCMDB from the previous admission. During a recent meeting we discussed the possibility of having a button in the patient record. When that button is pushed, a new patient entry would be generated that would copy a subset of the information of the existing record. The collector would be prompted for a Serial number for the new record.

How useful would this be?

Poll to collectors says that they would use this somewhere between 1x/week and 1x/month. Assuming it takes 5 minutes to re-enter this data manually and only 1 with this tool, a savings of 4 minutes, and 20 data collectors encountering this on average 2x/month, this would add up to >2.6hrs a month, so seems worthwhile. I had 5 out of 8 admissions all circling HSC and various wards just in one is frustrating repeating work within a few days of transferring patients.--Llemoine 14:43, 2015 October 13 (CDT)

Can't encourage hoarding...

We can't keep data for discharged patients on the laptops too long for PHIA reasons (we are allowed only "current data"). This tool would encourage keeping older data. So, we would need to add a limit. Proposal: Don't allow sending if there are records with RecordStatus "sent" whose discharge date is more than a week ago. Template:Discussion Would anyone anticipate problems with this? Ttenbergen 13:59, 2015 June 25 (CDT)

What would be the right things to copy?

Keeping in mind that collectors would certainly have to verify copied information to make sure it is still true on the new admission (not to make sure it copied right...), please add if I have missed any, and comment if you think any are problematic if they were copied.

  • Names, Chart, PHIN, DOB, Province, Sex
  • Postal Code
  • discharge date + 5 min to Admit date? Could make that optional where it asks if you want to do this...
  • put previous location into admit from? Again, could make this optional...
  • comorbids?
  • for medicine: tasks? seems like they would not usually change...Template:Discussion
    • This may not be the case. For example a patient is admitted to Hobs with severe sepsis and unable to perform any of his ADL and has a foley in situ. His ADL would be all major assist.He is then transferred to A4 two weeks later and only requires a minimal assist with his bath, is able to be up and about on the ward independently and his foley had been removed in Hobs. On admission to A4 his ADL in completely different plus he requires far less nursing time for his care.--CMarks 12:52, 2015 September 30 (CDT)
      • there would be exceptions like that for many fields. do you think that more often than not ADLs stay same? Or, is the probability such that copying them would be likely to increase errors more than it would ease collection? Ttenbergen 16:50, 2015 October 2 (CDT)


  • Overstay color (if generated) for medicine
    • From location located on temp tab (type of housing patient resides) for medicine
      • Template:Discussion These patients would be either transferred back and forth, or re-admitted. IF they are transferred, I didn't think we re-entered Overstay on the next ward (only that they were transferred). If they are re-admitted, there would be a new sheet which may well be different, and certainly the admit dxs would be different so the colour could not at all be assumed to be the same. Am I missing something? Ttenbergen 09:39, 2015 June 22 (CDT)
        • When patients are transferred (not readmission) from one unit to another the overstay color (generated on first unit) "transfers" with the patient and is typically recorded in the notes field and/or Q column on TMP tab. Wondering if this would be possible to copy as well? Hope this is clarified,thanks.
          • Technically no problem to copy this, but I need to understand how we use it. Is it part of the Overstay instructions to put the colour from a previous ward into notes? I am trying to understand where this comes from. I don't think we use it at the office. So, is this something used by collectors somehow? Ttenbergen 14:56, 2015 June 25 (CDT)
            • Re: "Transferred" Overstay colors ie. when patients transfer from VIC N5/S5/S4 to S3 patients are "discharged" on laptops, profiles completed and a new patient profile with a new serial numbber is created on S5/N5/S3 laptop. The Overstay color remains the same in these scenarios and "transfers" with the patient. Practice at the VIC is to manually enter the transferred Overstay color onto the notes field for ease of reference as this is how Overstay color is displayed on profiles with intially completed DPST forms. As well, on the temp page "transferred form" is entered once, the rest of the DPST questions deleted and the Overstay color manually entered in the corresponding Q column for the "transformed form" row. Data collection process may differ at other facilities and of course readmission from the community would require completion of a new DPST form. Therefore it may not be practical or feasible to include copied overstay colors which is fine. Pamela Piche 08:13, 2015 September 29 (CDT)
              • Pam, I have some understanding that we do in fact store these colours even on the new ward, but what I don't understand is why. On the new ward collectors should no longer have anything to do with overstay, right? So why store this? Ttenbergen 16:50, 2015 October 2 (CDT)
                • Collectors may still be involved in overstay: Collectors need to know the "transferred color" in order to track and enter patient names as applicable into the Transition Coordinator Binder and assign an Allied Health lead for the transferred patients on the new ward. Collectors also track transferred colors for record keeping purposes and to avoid DPST color regeneration for the patient during the same LOS. Pamela Piche 14:54, 2015 October 5 (CDT)