Re-platforming to SalesForce (failed)
- 2025-03 - Don't know if we ever go a conclusive statement that this was off, but by now I'd count on it... Ttenbergen 10:25, 14 March 2025 (CDT)
- 2024-05 - turns out it wasn't quite cancelled and is instead stalled with SH; asked for update 2024-05-14, Bojan escalated it to SH 2024-05-16, and Allan reported back after that there was some response about them working on it (or similar)
- 2023-03 - 2024-03 we went through an exciting attempt to move our database to Salesforce. On last note that project was cancelled.
- 2023-01-18 email from Alex Omsen responding to ticket 5698212 about slow access to our db back end; responded Jan 25
- 2022-09-27 long string of "waiting for input from Perry" as documented in Task minutes
- 2021-11-04 that incident was taken over by Kevin Soroka a while ago, Tina emailed him to follow up; eventually a Christine Pawlett and Shelley Irving Day got back to us, had one meeting and progress stalled again
- 2021-08... was encouraged by MS Access upgrade team to start a new incident for this (INC000004781738)
- 2021-02-12 - Summary of the last few months: we put in a "Provincial Intake" request with the help of Alex Omsen; Shelley Irving Day agreed to be the required executive level support; there is ongoing conversation at the leadership level how our database fits into ongoing needs and once that is decided we will hopefully move toward a solution.