Lab Collection Process

Revision as of 13:12, 3 July 2017 by GHall (talk | contribs)

The Critical Care database counts the laboratory tests listed in the L Labs Flowsheet Tab for every patient for their entire LOS in a unit.

Lab Collection Process

For every ICU patient, for every Manually collected lab, enter the number of times the test was performed into the L_Labs Flowsheet tab in the Patient Viewer in CCMDB.mdb.

See Labs collected list for a list of links to articles for each of the labs collected, with additional info.

If a patient has no entries by the end of their stay, enter a date and leave zeros under all the labs.

Labs done on route

Labs (eg CTs) done on the way to the Unit e.g. from the ER, are not counted since they occur before admission to the Unit.

Blood Products

see Blood Products in Labs

Rejected Specimens

Rejected specimens are not included in the lab counts.(Discussed at the Task meeting January 5,2015)


Lab Collection End Date March 31, 2017

When all patients, with an admission date prior to March 31, 2017,have been discharged, please update the following. Once all the patients have been discharged Tina will take out the labs that we no longer count, Thank You!

all clear

still have patients