Calculated by Function LOS() / Function LOS_int().
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For our purposes, LOS (length of stay) is the combined number of days a patient spent on units on which we collect data. It is not the amount of time spent in the hospital as we don't have access to hospital admit/discharge data.
Depending on the type of LOS, the summary statistics namely, Mean, Median, Sum or Total are included in our various Reports; see the reports pages or the various LOS pages for details.
See also: Category: Length of stay
different kinds of LOSs
- Dr. Allan Garland and Julie met March 12, 2014 and identifed the different types of LOS currently calculated and reported as well as assigned a name to each one accordingly.
LOS Per Service
LOS Per Record
LOS per Location
LOS Medicine per hospital admission
- refers as Within Hospital Medicine Ward Cumulative LOS
- this is the sum of all Medicine wards' LOS Per Record within one Hospital admission per hospital. It is important to determine correctly the different wards the patient stayed within a hospital admission and this is done by using the time gaps between records and/or the locations the patient came from and went to. If a patient stayed in more than one Medicine wards during his hospital admission until he left the hospital, then all his wards' LOS Per Record were added.
- The summary reports separate those who left the hospital or died and those who went to another service within the hospital.
- This can be redefined as the sum of all Medicine LOS Per Record per Visit Admit DtTm and Person ID.
This is not currently being reported anywhere.
- refers to the length of stay from the FIRST ward admission until the last discharge date during one hospital admission per hospital.
- First, identify the FIRST ward the patient stayed and the last ward or ICU unit the patient stayed during a given hospital admission per hospital.
- Then calculate the difference between the LAST Discharge Date and the First Admit Date as the elapse LOS.
- If the patient has prior stay in ICU before the first ward stay, the prior ICU stay is not included.
- The summary reports separate those who left the hospital or died and those who went to another service within the hospital.
- This can be redefined as as "first MEDICINE Service tmp entry until last Dispo DtTm per Visit Admit DtTm" ?
This is not currently being reported anywhere.
- refers to the length of continuous stay in one or more ICU on same or different hospitals in the region
- First, identify the patient who had transferred to another ICU/OR/Recovery area on same of different hosp within 48 hours and consider their ICU stays as continuous ICU stay.
- Then calculate the difference between the Discharge Date of the last ICU stay and the Admit Date of the First ICU stay.
- The summary reports include all patients with continuous ICU stay.
Can be defined as the sum of all ICU LOS Per Record that have less than 48hrs between the previous Dispo DtTm and the next admit dttm, per Person_ID.
Short stay
- resuscitated patients with a short LOS used to be ignored, see https://ccmdb.kuality.ca/index.php?title=Definition_of_a_Critical_Care_Laptop_Admission&direction=next&oldid=48590
- LOS vs TISS LOS - TISS76-2 hour rule used to mean that # of TISS days might be different than LOS. This is no longer the case as of TISS28.
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