COVID Designated Ward

This page only listed the COVID designated wards (positive and suspects) at HSC, STB and Grace across time of the COVID pandemic season.

Not tracking COVID status of locations any more as of April 15, 2021

  • Last April 15, 2021, Dr. Allan Garland emailed Dr. Nick Hajidiacos and Dr. Eberhard Renner, IM Directors, if needed to track which ward contains what kind of patients" (esp regarding switching back and forth between +Covid and -Covid) beyond primary ward vs. boarding location, because we are likely not doing a great job tracking these subtleties. Dr. Hajidiacos responded 'I would say no. Given the amount of moves we are making because of outbreaks, I think it’s a lot of work for very little benefit in terms of data.'
  • Stopped tracking April 15, 2021.

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