Legacy Drugs Collected Jan1.12toSept.12

Legacy Content

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  • Start date of this list Jan 1.12
  • End date of this list Sept ??.12
    • Since folks were told to start using new list sometime in the beginning of sept with YES and NO ,when is actually the end date for this list? Good for Julie to know.Trish Ostryzniuk (talk) 19:36, 2012 September 20 (CDT)

List Outdated

  • The new drug list (sept 25.12) reduces the workload of pharmacy collection. Final approval from steering committee for new list will be obtained Sept 10.12. There are number of drug groups that will be Yes and No only, and other eliminated. I have send everyone a copy of the list today so you can look at what is coming.Trish Ostryzniuk 10:56, 2012 September 7 (CDT)
