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SAPS II is a ... [1]
SAPS II was initially collected in Medicine Database Program.
- Start date:October 1.03
- Stop date: December 31, 2006 (January 1, 2007, medicine retained only a few item to be used for ALERT Scale score.
NOTE: SAP II was collected in parallel with APACHE II for Medicine.
Legacy Data
Collection of SAPS II in Medicine was discontinued 31 Dec 2006.
SAPS – Simplified Acute Physiological Score Oct 14.2004 Who was it developed by:
- SAPS was developed by LeGall & associates in 1984
- It is now in its second generation (SAPS II)
- It was developed to offer a more simplified version of the original APACHE model.
- Like APACHE, SAPS is an objective and quantitative measure of the severity of illness.
- Like APACHE, SAPS employs statistical methodology to determine the range for predictor variables, to assign points to each of these ranges and to convert a SAPS score to a probability of hospital mortality. (outcomes of care or the process of care).
SAPS score adjusts for co-morbidities to a more limited extend than does APACHE II.
- Like APACHE, SAPS provides a foundation of “objective” analysis, which can assist physicians, nurse managers and administrators to assess, understand and compare performance, outcomes and efficiency of health care delivery on their wards to others.
- Unlike APACHE, SAPS does not require a diagnosis to obtain the probability of hospital mortality.
- The model relies on 13 physiological variables + age
- Comorbidity – limited to metastatic Cancer, hematological
malignancy or AIDS.
- Patient type: Medical, Elective or Emergent Surgical
- Total Maximum Score = 160
Scoring Tables:
Possible Total Score