Legacy Drugs before 2012

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Legacy data only

This page is a reference for table L_Pharmacy_pre_2012 in Legacy TMS Data.mdb.

This is a sortable table. Click the up/down arrows in a column to sort by that column. Sorting by the sort order column sorts the drugs as they are on the laptop.

Consider using ctrl-f to find the drug you are looking for.

drug (dosage) dose count day count
Amikacin (mg) update may10'96 P1 D1
Ampicillin (Gm) P2 D2
Cefazolin (Gm) P3 D3
Cefotaxime (Gm) P4 D4
Cefoxitin (Gm) P5 D5
Ceftazidime (Gm) P6 D6
Ceftriaxone (Gm) P7 D7
Cefuroxime (mg) P8 D8
Ciprofloxacin (mg) IV P9 D9
Chloramphenicol (Gm) P10 D10
Clindamycin (mg) P11 D11
Cloxacillin (Gm) P12 D12
Co-Trimoxazole (ml) IV P13 D13
Erythromycin (Gm) IV P14 D14
Estrogen Conj. (mg) IV P15 D15
Ganciclovir (mg) IV P16 D16
Gentamicin (mg) P17 D17
Imipenem (mg) P18 D18
L-thyroxine (mcg) P19 D19
Metoclorpramide (mg) P20 D20
Metronidazole (mg) P21 D21
Amphotericin B (mg) IV P22 D22
Penicillin (m.u.) P23 D23
Piperacillin (Gm) P24 D24
Ranitidine (mg) P25 D25
Tobramycin (mg) P26 D26
Vancomycin (mg) P27 D27
Drotrecogin(Activated Protein C)(mg) IV P28 D28
Dobutamine 250 mg/syr P29 D29
Dopamine 200 mg/syr P30 D30
Epinephrine 10 mg/syr P31 D31
Fentanyl IV-250 mcg/syr P32 D32
Fentanyl epid-250 mcg/syr P33 D33
Labetalol 100 mg/syr P34 D34
Morphine-IV 50 mg/syr P35 D35
Fentanyl\Bupivacaine 250 mcq/s P36 D36
Naloxone 16 mg/syr P37 D37
Nitroglyc. 50 mg/syr P38 D38
Nitroprusside 25 mg/syr P39 D39
Norepinephrine 8 mg/syr P40 D40
Phenylephrine 50 mg/syr P41 D41
Acetazolamide (mg) P42 D42
XX2 P43 D43
Diazepam IV (mg) P44 D44
Digoxin IV (mg) P45 D45
DDAVP (mcg) P46 D46
Esmolol Bolus & Infusion mg P47 D47
Fentanyl (mcg) P48 D48
Hydralazine IV (mg) P49 D49
Labetalol IV (mg) P50 D50
Lorazepam IV (mg) P51 D51
Metoprolol IV (mg) P52 D52
Midazolam (mg) P53 D53
Morphine (mg) P54 D54
Propranolol IV (mg) P55 D55
Verapamil IV (mg) P56 D56
Captopril 25 mg tab po P57 D57
Charcoal activated 50gm P58 D58
Ciprofloxacin 250 mg tab P59 D59
Co-trimoxazole ml po P60 D60
Digoxin tab (mg) P61 D61
Enalaprilat (mg) IV P62 D62
Acyclovir (mg) IV P63 D63
Oral Colonic Lavage 1.35 L P64 D64
Haloperidol (mg) IV P65 D65
Hydrocortisone IV (mg) P66 D66
Amiodarone 150 mg\syr & bol'94 P67 D67
Lorazepam 1 mg po P68 D68
Azithromycin mg IV P69 D69
L-thyroxine 100 mcg tabs P70 D70
Levofloxacin mg IV P71 D71
Furosemide 100 mg\syr P72 D72
Methylprednisolone (mg) IV P73 D73
Adenosine (mg) IV P74 D74
Flumazenil (mg) IV P75 D75
Levofloxacin mg PO P76 D76
Metronidazole 250 mg tabs P77 D77
Furosemide (mg) bolus IV P78 D78
Omeprazole 20mg cap P79 D79
Meropenem mg IV P80 D80
Prednisone (mg) tabs P81 D81
Propofol (mg) bolus & infusion P82 D82
Ranitidine 150 mg tabs P83 D83
Sucralfate 1 gm tabs P84 D84
Streptokinase (U) bolus & infu P85 D85
Digoxin (liq) P86 D86
TPN (# units or bags) P87 D87
Nimodipine 30 mg cap P88 D88
Piperacillin/Tazobactum mg IV P89 D89
Heparin sc 5000U P90 D90
Milrinone (10 mg / syr ) inf. & bol P91 D91
Diltiazem ( 50 mg/syr ) infusion P92 D92
Diltiazem IV bolus (mg) P93 D93
Fluconazole inj. (mg) P94 D94
Heparin 12500u/syr inf. bolus P95 D95
Ceftizoxime mg IV P96 D96
Amiodarone 200 mg tabs po P97 D97
Metoprolol 50 mg po P98 D98
Aspirin 325 mg P99 D99
Furosemide 40 mg po P100 D100
Enalapril 5 mg P101 D101
Lisinopril 5 mg P102 D102
Fosinopril 10 mg P103 D103
Ramipril 5 mg P104 D104
Atorvastatin 20 mg P105 D105
Pravastatin 20 mg P106 D106
Simvastatin 20 mg P107 D107
Nitroglycerin paste/patch (yes=1) P108 D108
Rabeprazol 20mg po P109 D109