CVA 2nd to OTHER

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This page is about the pre-ICD10 diagnosis coding schema. See the ICD10 Diagnosis List, or the following for similar diagnoses in ICD10:

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Category: Neurological Problem (old)


Medical Problem

Main Diagnosis: Respiratory problems other
Sub Diagnosis: Cerebral Infarct Cause NYD
Diagnosis Code: 50590-CVA 2nd to OTHER Procedure
Comorbid Diagnosis: No
Charlson Comorbid coding (pre ICD10): 0

See: CVA-Cerebral Vascular Accident


  • 505 with no subcode or using subcode “90” really means the same thing in the big picture. The cause or type of stroke is not specified. Using subcode 90 does not give the stroke anymore meaning then leaving the subcode blank.
  • Our “subcode” list for 505 is very small and for now we will keep it like that otherwise we can create subcode lists a miles long. We have to cut the level of detail somewhere because it can be endless.


  • Gail and Frans's discussion is in relation to where to code a person who had CVA aborted by TPA. Good suggestion.
    • we have a code 763-02 for strokes that got TPA, though this does not tell you if CVA was aborted or not. I don't want to add new codes at this time since we are attempting to map our codes to ICU10.--TOstryzniuk 15:53, 15 January 2010 (CST)