Taking a Screenshot

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Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words - sending a screenshot instead of describing an error is both faster and often more meaningful.

Taking a screen shot

  1. Start an email to someone in Outlook (it does not work in Web Mail).
  2. Open the page that you want to take a screen shot of.
  3. Left click to place your cursor on the page you want the screen shot of.
  4. Hit ALT, print screen (prt sc)(2 buttons) (yes, it looks like nothing happens when you do this...)
  5. Left click your cursor into the body of the email.
  6. Right click and select paste.
  7. The screenshot should now be in your email.

NB: To get a shot of your full screen (ie not just the error code), follow above steps, but in step four, only press prt scr (one button only).

Emailing a screen shot

Start an email to someone in Outlook (doesn't work in Web access), paste (press: ctr-V keys on your keyboard) this will paste the picture right into the email.

Don't paste the picture into a word document or save it as an image; this just wastes your time in sending and the recipient's time in viewing. If you can't paste right into the email you are likely using "plain text" rather than "rich text" or "html". Set your email to use one of the latter.

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