Infections in ICD10

Revision as of 10:11, 14 November 2018 by Agarland (talk | contribs)

Infections in ICD10 are coded somewhat inconsistently. There are #Diagnoses where the pathogen is implied and #Diagnoses where the pathogen must be coded separately. #Coding Antibiotic Resistance should also be done when there is one.

Which date to use for infections in Acquired Diagnosis / Complication

  • The date we want to use is the date in which the infection first appeared clinically. This can be a very difficult determination, and may include consideration of:
    • Date on which the clinical signs or symptoms first appeared (e.g. fever, or dysuria, etc)
    • Date on which the culture was sent --- but this can be misleading because a culture may not be sent until several days after the symptoms appear.
    • Thus, as usual, you must use your clinical judgment to decide when the infection first showed up.

tangential questions

untreatd positive urine cultures

might be better off in Urine tests, NOS, abnormal or Colonized with organism (not infected) depending how it should be coded.

  • In instances of positive urine cultures that are not tx with abx, what is to be coded? Ie. colonization code combined with abnormal test result?
  • SMW

  • Cargo

  • Categories

time restrictions around calling things iatrogenic

  • SMW

  • Cargo

  • Categories

Coding Antibiotic Resistance

Antibiotic resistance is combined-coded, see Antibiotic Resistant Organism for more info.

Lab confirmation of results

See Pathogens#Culture reports

Cross Checks
