This article documents the scan-to-network functionality of our scanner. The main use for this is TISS28 Form Scanning using Teleform.


On the scanner:

  1. put forms into scanner face up
  2. on scanner interface, click "Scan to Network"
  3. click "Scan to Network" a second time
  4. click "Scan it" button
  5. Once scanning done it will say "Do you want to scan additional document"
  6. Click "No"

When scanning done, it will say "scan successful"

File locations

The scanner has been configured with an option labeled: Scan to Network. This option saves the file(s) to the following network share:

  • \\\intmed_CCMDB_ScanFolder

Currently the only users with access to this share are:


See Scanner, and document interactions with eHealth there.

Start Date

February 25, 2015