to the Regional Critical Care & Medicine Information Management & Research Database Program (CCMDB) wiki.

Another new version of CCMDB.mdb

Thanks to a lot of good suggestions from everyone I made a bunch of updates to the CCMDB.mdb. Please have a look at the CCMDB.mdb_Change_Log_2010#ver1.9951 for details.

Of specific interest to you during data collection:

  • To speed up data entry the five tasks will now be added to each medicine patient when you first enter them. You still need to click on each task and choose "none" or whatever is true. Please do comment on whether this is useful or problematic at Category:Task_Elements
  • The contents of the "Notes" field for patients with a discharge date will now be added to Pagasa's PDA Status.csv automatically when sending. This means you can put the reason why a patient was not sent into this field when you enter the date and don't then have to worry about it on send day. If you are unable to send the patient for more than one week this means you only have to enter the reason once. Even if the patient stays on record for only one send period, taking the reason from notes means there is less overhead when you are actually sending. If this process works out for everyone, we might be able to remove the editing of the PDA Status.csv from sending altogether. Please comment on whether this is useful at PDA_Status.csv

Please contribute further to the Requested_CCMDB_changes_for_the_next_version#Changes_Under_Discussion article for better functionality yet. Your input on both ideas already being discussed or new ideas are will be appreciated. Remember, I can only do something about it if I know about it. Don't worry whether you are putting things in "right", as long as it's there I can sort it out.



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