Database Request Process
The data in the CCMDB is frequently used for Quality Improvement purposes and to facilitate other research.
Any access to the data in our database needs to be vetted.
For more information please contact Julie, Dr. Dan Roberts, Dr. Bojan Paunovic or Dr. Allan Garland.
Data Accessibility and Responsibility
The privilege of access to patient data for research or quality improvement projects obligates recipients to be responsible for its security.
Once you receive permission to access aggregate or patient identifiable data you must take the following steps.
- All data is to be secured on a password protected computer.
- Any investigators to have access to the data must be identified at the time of the request.
- Devices and work materials containing data must be kept in a securely locked space with controlled access when not in the physical possession of the investigators.
- Any security breach resulting in inappropriate access to patient information including loss of a data storage device or worksheets are to be immediately reported to Dr. Dan Roberts and the department or program heads .
- Mishandling of data will result in disciplinary action and preclude future access to data.
Data breaches are serious matters . We have not experienced such an event with our databases since they were instituted in 1988 and 2004. Accessibility is a privilege and data compromise usually results in greater barriers to access for others. Don’t ruin it for everyone!
Request for database information
To request information currently collected, please fill out
Request for additional collection
If we don't collect the actual data needed we might be able to collect it for a period of time. To initiate a request for additional data collection, please fill out:
Master copy of request forms
The master copy of the data request form is stored: Regional Server\Admin\FORMS\Data_Request_Forms
Request Logs 2003 to current
- Critical Care - S:\Critical_Care\Patient_DB_Reports\Database requests for information\CC Data Request Log.xlsx
- Medicine - S:\MED\MED_CCMED\CCMDB_ADMIN_DATABASE\Database Request LIST\Medicine Data Request Log.xlsx
Aggregate data:
Completed Database Requests
Each database request is labeled and saved in a subfolder under main folder by year or by requestor/project. Contents include the database request form from requestor and the signed/approved copy of the form by the Director, the SAS program, the outputs and the pertinent emails/correspondences.
- Critical Care - S:\MED\MED_CCMED\Julie\CC Projects
- Medicine - S:\MED\MED_CCMED\Julie\MedProjects