s_ICD10_APACHE_Dx_patterns table

The s_ICD10_APACHE_Dx_patterns table lists the patterns to match to determine which items in the s_ICD10 table and part of the APACHE Acute Diagnoses.

Data Structure

field type description
category Text(50) APACHE dx category this record responds to
ns Text(5) ns name for that category
description Text(50) description of this actual dx
postop yes/no only assess these if "Admitted to ICU postoperatively", i.e. if Previous Location was OR or PACU
only_if_nsA-nsY yes/no if this column is true, only assess this line for patients for whom none of nsA-nsY are true
only_if_none_sA-sS yes/no if this column is true, only assess this line for patients for whom none of s_A-s_S are true
like_match text(20) condition to match ICD10_code by actual match
range_start text(20) condition to match ICD10_code by range, dx code would need to be >= this
range_end text(20) condition to match ICD10_code by range, dx code would need to be < this
summaryrange Text(255) complete conditions for this description as per excel file provided by Allan Garland.
Weight numeric Weights of the Principal Diagnostic Category leading to ICU admission in the Risk Model of Predicting Hospital Death
Index numeric Index number assigned for each APACHE dx category in the SAS program done by Dr. Kendiss Olafson
DxGrp numeric Diagnostic Categories being used for the Director's Report as specified by Dr. Kendiss Olafson
DxGrp_label Text(50) Label of the Diagnostic Categories being used for the Director's Report as specified by Dr. Kendiss Olafson

Allan mainly used this ref: https://rstudio-pubs-static.s3.amazonaws.com/231351_940f14aa51a6427a9e92d5a04daefc3e.html

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