s_ICD10 table

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The s_ICD10 table in CCMDB.accdb contains the possible codes to use with ICD10 collection.

Data Structure

field type description
ICD10_code Text(10) official ICD10 code
description Text(255) description of dx
active_start date/time for enabling and disabling
active_end single for enabling and disabling

Query to populate s_ICD10 table from wiki

To extract data from the wiki to update this table in CCMDB.accdb, click the following link to generate an extract: DSV

Then: Import the file into a new table. Importing straight into s_icd10 is possible, but if there are errors it is hard to troubleshoot. Importing into new table first has fewer restrictions.

  • In CCMDB.accdb, External Data,text file
  • insert into new table
  • delimited; click advanced button, make sure field delimiter is ;,
  • file has headers

Copy content into s_icd10

  • empty out s_icd10
  • copy and paste data from new table, can use query s_ICD10_from_wiki_appender
  • delete the imported table, just takes up extra space
  • this will need to be done differently once we go live to preserve existing dx codes; chances are by then this will have slowed down, so we can just manually update as needed.

Update categories

Likely problems

  • bad data in a column
  • duplicate ICD10 codes due to evil twins on wiki


see ICD10 Categories for CCMDB.accdb

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