ICU Var 4 - Parked in ER
ICU Var 1 is used tag patients who are parked in the ER for a period of time while being transferred between two ICU’s in the city.
- this is not a very common practice.
Possible Value:
P for parked
Other use
Braden score—not used
- used to track patients who were parked, or who have moved ICUs? --Ttenbergen
- what is "a period of time" --Ttenbergen
- Normal practice is to transfer a patient directly from ICU to ICU in the city. On very few occasions Julie sees a large gap of time when a patient is moved from one ICU to another in the city. For some unforseen reason, the accepting ICU did not have a bed ready. With Julie having to link admissions, we needed a tag for the few cases that were held up for this reason so that these transfers would not be continually questioned when data reviewed. TOstryzniuk 17:59, 22 July 2008 (CDT)
- Was the Braden score supposed to be tracked in here? Or was it tracked and discontinued, i.e. making it a legacy use? --Ttenbergen
- It was proposed for Medicine but never done. The Braden assessment was suppose to be a Regional initiative on all Medicine wards in the city. We have been standing by, ready and waiting with a slot to record.....
TOstryzniuk 17:59, 22 July 2008 (CDT)