Blank procedure entry

Revision as of 09:29, 10 May 2018 by Ttenbergen (talk | contribs) (Ttenbergen moved page Blank Procedure Entry to Blank procedure entry without leaving a redirect: consistency)
CCI component 1 codes - what organ was something done to
Procedure: Blank procedure entry
CCI 1 code: X3
Start Date: 2019-01-01

This procedure is a part of CCI Collection. This is one of the CCI component 1 codes - what organ was something done to.

CCI Picklist
Procedure: Blank procedure entry
CCI Picklist code: X3
CCI Collection Mode: CCI collect each
Start Date:
Stop Date:

This procedure is a part of CCI Collection via CCI Picklist.

Additional Info

CCI Procedure type "X"

This is a CCI Procedure of type "x", these are administrative entries.

This is an option in the s_CCI_1 table and the s_CCI_Picklist table and the value that the L_CCI_Component table and L_CCI_Component table default to for a new entry.

The record is necessary so a new record doesn't give all sorts of "null" and "not allowed" errors if someone deletes content.

Alternate CCIs to consider coding instead or in addition

Other procedure in X Procedure:

Related ICD10 Codes

Template:CCMDB Data Integrity Checks

There will need to be a cross check to make sure this entry doesn't end up in the completed data.