| CCI Code | Collection Mode |
ECT (Electroconvulsive shock therapy to brain) | 1.AN.09 | CCI collect first |
Tracheostomy creation | 1.GJ.77 | CCI collect first |
BiPAP, CPAP, NIV, own ventilator (Mechanical ventilation, noninvasive) | 1.GZ.31.CB-ND | CCI collect first |
Cardioversion (EXCLUDE defibrillation-we are not tracking) | 1.HZ.09 | CCI collect first |
CPR, cardiac resuscitation | 1.HZ.30r | CCI collect first |
Defibrillator, insertion | 1.HZ.53.GR-FS | CCI collect first |
Pacemaker insertion, permanent | 1.HZ.53.GR-NK | CCI collect first |
Pacemaker insertion, temporary | 1.HZ.53.GR-NN | CCI collect first |
IABP | 1.IC.53.GQ-QL | CCI collect first |
Angioplasty, coronary (without stenting) | 1.IJ.50.GQ-BD | CCI collect each |
Angioplasty, coronary (with stenting) | 1.IJ.50.GQ-OA | CCI collect each |
CVC placement, any location | 1.IS.53.^^-LF | CCI collect first |
TIPS (transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt) | 1.KQ.76.GP-NR | CCI collect each |
Arterial catheterization, any location | 1.KV.53.HA-FT | CCI collect first |
Transfusion of PRBC | 1.LZ.19.HH-U1-J | CCI collect count units |
Transfusion of plasma products | 1.LZ.19.HH-U2-J | CCI collect count units |
Transfusion of platelets | 1.LZ.19.HH-U4-J | CCI collect count units |
Plasmapheresis | 1.LZ.20 | CCI collect first |
Transfusion of albumin | 1.LZ.35.HH-C5 | CCI collect first |
TPN (Total parenteral nutrition) | 1.LZ.35.HH-C6 | CCI collect first |
ECMO, VA | 1.LZ.37.GP-QM.va | CCI collect count days |
ECMO, VV | 1.LZ.37.GP-QM.vv | CCI collect count days |
Nephrostomy placement | 1.PE.52 | CCI collect first |
PD (Peritoneal dialysis) | 1.PZ.21.HP-D4 | CCI collect first |
HD (Hemodialysis) | 1.PZ.21.HQ-BR | CCI collect first |
CRRT (incl volume removal via PRISMA device) | 1.PZ.21.HQ-BS | CCI collect first |
BMT (Bone marrow transplant or transfusion) | 1.WY.19 | CCI collect first |
Targeted Temperature Management (TTM) | 1.ZX.06 | CCI collect first |
Chest tube, left in place | 1GV.52.HA-TK | CCI collect first |
Capsule Endoscopy | 2.0Z.29 | CCI collect each |
EEG (electroencephalography) | 2.AN.24 | CCI collect first |
ICP monitor (Placement of implanted, invasive intracranial pressure monitoring device) | 2.AN.28.JA-PL | CCI collect first |
Sleep Study (Polysomnogram, done in Miseracordia Sleep lab) | 2.AN.59 | CCI collect first |
LP (lumbar puncture, diagnostic) | 2.AX.13 | CCI collect first |
Thoracentesis (diagnostic) | 2.GV.52 | CCI collect first |
PFT (pulmonary function test) | 2.GZ.21 | CCI collect first |
Cardiac stress test (any kind) | 2.HZ.08 | CCI collect each |
Cardiac electrophysiology study | 2.HZ.24.GP-KM | CCI collect first |
Right heart catheterization, in cardiac cath lab | 2.HZ.28.GP-PL | CCI collect each |
Swan-Ganz (Pulmonary Artery Flotation) Catheter placement | 2.IM.28 | CCI collect first |
ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography) | 2.OE.70.BA | CCI collect each |
Paracentesis (diagnostic) | 2.OT.52 | CCI collect first |
Urodynamics study (cystometrogram, done by urology lab) | 2.PM.58 | CCI collect first |
Arthrocentesis, diagnostic | 2.WZ.71 | CCI collect first |
Blood gas, venous | 2.ZZ.13.RA | CCI collect count each |
Blood gas, arterial | 2.ZZ.13.RE | CCI collect count each |
CXR (plain film) | 3.GY.10.VA | CCI collect count each |
Angiogram, aortic (any part of aorta) | 3.ID.10.V^ | CCI collect each |
Angiogram, pulmonary artery (pulmonary arteriogram) | 3.IM.10.V^ | CCI collect each |
Angiogram, coronary (diagnostic cardiac catheterization) | 3.IP.10.V^ | CCI collect each |
Cardiac CT or Cardiac CT angiogram (with or without coronary arteries) | 3.IP.20 | CCI collect each |
ECHO (echocardiogram of heart) | 3.IP.30 | CCI collect each |
Cardiac MRI | 3.IP.40 | CCI collect each |
Cardiac nuclear scan (e.g. MUGA) | 3.IP.70 | CCI collect each |
Angiogram, cerebral (including vertebral arteries) | 3.JM.10.V^ | CCI collect each |
CT of chest with PE protocol (CT angiogram of pulmonary vessels) | 3.JY.20 | CCI collect each |
Angiogram, artery NOS (except specifically coded) | 3.KV.10.VX | CCI collect each |
Angiogram, vein | 3.KX.10.VC | CCI collect each |
AXR (abdominal plain X-ray) | 3.OT.10.VA | CCI collect count each |
Amniocentesis (non-imaging diagnostic) | 5.AB.02 | CCI collect first |
Induction of labor (therapeutic) | 5.AC.30 | CCI collect first |
Suturing of cervical os (therapeutic) | 5.AC.80 | CCI collect first |
Termination of pregnancy pharmacologic (therapeutic) | 5.CA.88 | CCI collect first |
Termination of pregnancy surgical (therapeutic) | 5.CA.89 | CCI collect first |
Surgical removal of extrauterine pregnancy (therapeutic) | 5.CA.93 | CCI collect first |
Suppression of labor (therapeutic) - incl via pharmacologic tocolytics | 5.LD.32 | CCI collect first |
Cesarean section delivery (therapeutic) | 5.MD.60 | CCI collect first |
SVD (Spontaneous vaginal delivery) | 5.MD.^^ | CCI collect first |
Postpartum surgical repair (therapeutic) -- incl episiotomy | 5.PC.80 | CCI collect first |
Prone positioning | 7.SC.01.TP | CCI collect each day |
Isolation, infectious | 7.SC.70.SA | CCI collect first |
IVIG (IV administration of immunoglobulin) | 8.ZZ.70 | CCI collect first |
No TISS Item (TISS Item) | T1 | CCI collect each day |
Intracranial pressure monitoring (TISS Item) | T10 | CCI collect each day |
CPR within past 24 hrs (TISS Item) | T11 | CCI collect each day |
Vasoactive drug IV continuous-single (TISS Item) | T13 | CCI collect each day |
Vasoactive drug IV continuous-multiple simultaneous (TISS Item) | T14 | CCI collect each day |
Pulmonary arterial line (TISS Item) | T15 | CCI collect each day |
Peripheral arterial line (TISS Item) | T16 | CCI collect each day |
Central venous catheter (TISS Item) | T17 | CCI collect each day |
Invasive Mechanical Ventilation (TISS Item) | T18 | CCI collect each day |
Supp O2 through any device, delivered via nose, mouth, ETT or trach (TISS Item) | T20 | CCI collect each day |
Non-invasive CPAP or BIPAP (TISS Item) | T21 | CCI collect each day |
ETT Present (TISS Item) | T22 | CCI collect each day |
Trach Tube Present (TISS Item) | T23 | CCI collect each day |
Planned extubation (TISS Item) | T28 | CCI collect each day |
Unplanned extubation (TISS Item) | T29 | CCI collect each day |
Intermittent hemodialysis (TISS Item) | T32 | CCI collect each day |
CRRT (TISS Item) | T33 | CCI collect each day |
Peritoneal dialysis (TISS Item) | T34 | CCI collect each day |
IV hyperalimentation (TISS Item) | T36 | CCI collect each day |
Patient is on isolation (TISS Item) | T38 | CCI collect each day |
Insertion of ETT (TISS Item) | T40 | CCI collect each day |
CAM positive (TISS Item) | T9 | CCI collect each day |
No procedure entered | X1 | CCI collect first |
No procedure performed | X2 | CCI collect first |
Blank procedure entry | X3 | CCI collect each |
No codable procedure done in OR | X4 | CCI collect first |
CAR-T (Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell Immunotherapy) | XW043C3 | CCI collect each |
CCI PickList Procedure | {{{CCI_Picklist_Code}}} | CCI collect each |