Query NDC Bad Postal Code

Revision as of 17:44, 25 August 2016 by Ttenbergen (talk | contribs) (m)

We cross-check the postal codes we collect as part of Postal Code field collection against a list of known-good postal codes.

Template:CFE Data Integrity Checks Steps


Comparisons are done as part of vetting via NDC query NDC_Bad_Postal_Code in CFE. Steps will be:

<we need to fill these in when we have completed the first-time updates, we deferred decision on the steps today to when we have done partial cleaning and know how much is left.>

updating the codes

Codes are stored in Table Postal Code Master. Codes can be manually added to or imported into this table when a new master set becomes available.

File Locations

old master imports can be found at X:\CCMDB\z_archive\PostalCode

Where was it obtained

integrated with

Wikipedia Postal codes listings across Canada

Wikipedia, Postal codes in Canada

  • at the top of the article shows the the first letter that a postal code starts with for a province.

Map showing first letter used in postal codes across Canada

RHA Listings

Start Date

2014-09-29 Cleaning to start end of August 2016