Breaking out of a frozen program

This page describes how to break out of a locked or frozen program. Only do this when something goes wrong. Exiting this way may lead to data or program corruption so you should only do it if the normal way of leaving a program doesn't work. However, if the normal way doesn't work, this is what to do.

Try contacting Tina, Pagasa or Trish, in that order; they might have more info if there is a pattern of problems across our program.

How to break out of a frozen program

  1. open task manager by pressing the Ctrl-Shift-Esc keys on the keyboard
  2. find the program you want to close (read all the ones that it shows you, and pick the one you need. If CCMDB.accdb is the offender, the line will be something similar to "Microsoft Access"
  3. right click on that line, and then on "End Task"
  4. close out of task manager
  5. restart the program and check if things work now. If not, and the problem is with CCMDB.accdb, try Copying down a clean version of CCMDB.accdb
  6. email Tina, Pagasa and Trish that the crash happened, what you were doing when it happened, and how you got out, so we can understand if there is a pattern

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