Check organ donors must be dead

Data Integrity Checks
Summary: organ donors must be deceased
Firmness: soft check
App: CCMDB.accdb
Uses L Problem table: not relevant for this app
Status: not feasible
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Related dxs

Braindead/Brain death, Organ Donor/Organ donor (organ/tissue donation by the donor)

Organ Donors must have diagnosis braindead

  • If 874(organ donor) Admit or Complication slots, then 524 braindead
  • If the two have to happen together should they not just be combined, or one be considered to always be present if the other is? I think we have some other dxs where we don't code the implied conditions, no?Ttenbergen 16:03, 2012 April 16 (CDT)
    • well, braindead does not guarantee proceeding to organ donor (874)Trish Ostryzniuk 17:14, 2012 April 16 (CDT)
      • no, but it sounds like organ donor guarantees brain dead; so, why does it not go without saying?Ttenbergen 17:30, 2012 April 16 (CDT)
        • yes, as of 2009, we are only coding major organ donors, so yes, if organ donor, then must have been declared brain dead.Trish Ostryzniuk 17:33, 2012 April 16 (CDT)
          • So what is the benefit of actually wasting a dx slot to code brain dead in organ donors? Ttenbergen 09:36, 2012 April 17 (CDT) Ttenbergen 18:03, 2012 November 7 (EST)
            • Do we still need that Dx at all now that we code it as part of Dispo? Ttenbergen 09:55, 2016 July 28 (CDT)

how about live donation?

  • If 874 includes live donors this will result in false positives which should be documented. If 874 does not include live donors, then it might be more relevant to check that they are deceased rather than that their discharged-to is empty. Access already traps any deceased with a discharge-to. Ttenbergen 17:33, 24 October 2008 (CDT)
  • see query NDC_dx_implying_death_across_encounters

874 and 524 should not be admitted from OR

If code 874 and 524 in Admit slots, the admitted From should never be OR.

Programming Status - Complete


TRISH HERE: OCT 28.08 1900 hrs.

  • After consulting Roberts, changes as follows:
  • Someone (Trish?) added the following:
    1. if braindead (524) at community site (GRA, VIC, CON, OAK) and sent to teaching site (HSC, STB) then outcome for both Community& teaching site = Expired. Admit DX 1 for teaching site = braindead (524).
    • CCMDB.accdb doesn't allow a deceased person to be discharged somewhere. Julie and I discussed this because she had initially requested this check. Ttenbergen 17:33, 24 October 2008 (CDT)
    • Where or how would a patient status be set to "D" for donor? I don't think "D" is currently an option.Ttenbergen 17:33, 24 October 2008 (CDT)
    • Once the other two issues are addressed, could you maybe re-word the above rule by adding brackets around the clauses that belong together, because as it is, it is difficult to figure out if the last IF refers to the entire beginning of the sentence or just part of it. Don't have to use brackets, you might be able to clear it up otherwise. Ttenbergen 17:33, 24 October 2008 (CDT)
  • Need more input- currently in discussion with ICU & Julie TOstryzniuk 18:16, 22 October 2008 (CDT)

Sudden cardiac death (and died)

Turns out that will be checked in query check_ICD10_dx_implying_death_must_have_appropriate_dispo.
