Data Integrity Checks

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The Critical Care and Medicine Database has many data integrity checks built into our data collection process. This page is an index to our documentation for those.

We try to run the checks as early in the collection process as possible:

  1. CCMDB.accdb Data Integrity Checks - run in CCMDB.accdb and notify Data Collector during the collection process
  2. CFE Data Integrity Checks - run in Centralized data front end.accdb as part of the Data Processor's job
  3. SAS Data Integrity Checks - run in SAS as part of the Statistician's final clean up of the data before any reports or data requests are released

Documenting a new cross check

  • search the wiki to see if this already exists
  • if not, make a new page with a self-explanatory name that follows any conventions we might use
  • add
    {{Data Integrity Check}}
    at the top of the page and save
  • click the "edit with form" tab at the top of the page to edit the Data Integrity Checks with a helpful form

List of Data Integrity Checks (SMW)

Current number of Data Integrity Checks: 202

|?DICRelatedConcepts = Related concepts
Query NDC VAP no TISSIf a patient has a Acquired Diagnosis Pneumonia, ventilator-associated (VAP) and no TISS28 items T18 - Invasive Mechanical Ventilation (TISS Item) (T18) then this is an error.declinedCentralized data front end.accdbCentralized data front end.accdb
VAP - Ventilator Associated Pneumonia
Legacy Content
Data Processing
Data Integrity Checks
TISS28 check
Check CRF vs ARF across multiple encountersIf a patient had a comorbid of CRF in any previous admission then ARF can not be an admit or complication in subsequent admissions.declinedCentralized data front end.accdbMultiple encounter longitudinal consistency check
Centralized data front end.accdb
ICD10 Dx check
CCI Px check
Data Integrity Checks
Query check ICD10 needs awaiting if TR Dt and Dispo Dt on diff daysAny patient with a with Transfer Ready DtTm and Dispo DtTm on different days has to have one of the "awaiting" codes and vice versa.declinedCCMDB.accdbTransfer Ready
Awaiting/delayed transfer
ICD10 Dx check
Data Integrity Checks
Query check ICD10 strokeStroke, NOS can not be coded with other stroke codes.declinedCCMDB.accdbICD10 Dx check
Data Integrity Checks
Can't check ICD10 ARF vs APACHE ARFCan't have ESRD and acute renal failuredeclinedCCMDB.accdbICD10 Dx check
APACHE check
Data Integrity Checks
Query NDC Dialysis TISS CCICritical care patients who have CCI entries for a type of dialysis must have a TISS28 entry for the same type of dialysis as well, and vice versa.declinedCCMDB.accdbCCI Px check
Data Integrity Checks
TISS28 check
Check if awaiting code is primary dx then Transfer Ready DtTm must be equal to Arrive DtTmIf an ICD10 code in Category:Awaiting/delayed transfer is Primary Admit Diagnosis/Dx Primary then Transfer Ready DtTm must equal "Arrive DtTm"declinedCCMDB.accdbTransfer Ready
Awaiting/delayed transfer
ICD10 Dx check
Data Integrity Checks
Query check CCI TISS spont breath no tubeA patient with T19 - Spontaneous breathing via ETT without PEEP/CPAP, with or without supplemental O2 (TISS Item) must also have (T22 - ETT Present (TISS Item) or T23 - Trach Tube Present (TISS Item))declinedCCMDB.accdbData Processing
Data Integrity Checks
TISS28 check
Query check ICD10 Inf Potential Infection must have pathogen or altevery dx in Category:Potential infection must have a dx in Category:Pathogens or Not an Infection (ICD10 pathogen alternative) as Combined ICD10 codes.declinedCCMDB.accdbICD10 Dx check
Data Integrity Checks
Query check TISS each dayThere needs to be at least one TISS entry in CCI Picklist for each day for each ICU profile.declinedCCMDB.accdbCCI Px check
Registry checks
Data Integrity Checks
TISS28 timing checks
TISS28 check
Query TISS Errors NrTISSDays NE LOSLength of stay (LOS) for all ICU patients must be consistent with their number of TISS days, incl no TISS days at all (ie missing forms).declinedCCMDB.accdbLegacy Content
Data Integrity Checks
Legacy TISS28 check
Check VAP acquired only first encounterVAP should only be Acquired Diagnosis on the first encounter.declinedCentralized data front end.accdbMultiple encounter longitudinal consistency check
Centralized data front end.accdb
VAP - Ventilator Associated Pneumonia
ICD10 Dx check
Old dx check
Registry checks
Data Integrity Checks
Check pre acute consistentconsistency of Pre acute living situation; Dispo; Postal Code and Previous LocationdeclinedCCMDB.accdbPostal Codes
Pre-acute living situation
Data Integrity Checks
Registry Data
Query check ICD10 duplicatesAdmit and Comorbid ICD10 Diagnoses (except for Category:Pathogens or Category:Antibiotic resistance and Category:Mechanism and Colonized with organism (not infected)) can't be entered in duplicate.declinedCCMDB.accdbICD10 Dx check
Data Integrity Checks
Query check tmp ER Boarding Loc should exist if from ERFor patients with Previous Location ER at same site there should be a Boarding Loc ER.declinedCCMDB.accdbTmp check
Data Integrity Checks
Controlling Dx Type for ICD10 codesSome dxs can't be Dx Types Primary Admit Diagnosis, Comorbid Diagnosis, Admit Diagnosis or Acquired DiagnosisdeclinedCCMDB.accdbICD10 Dx check
Data Integrity Checks
Query check CCI TISS time means must be twoIf certain Px Dates have a time component, then there should also be a matching CCI Picklist without the timedeclinedCCMDB.accdbCCI Px check
Data Integrity Checks
TISS28 timing checks
TISS28 check
Query check CCI TISS CAM positive vs DxChecks that each T9 - CAM positive (TISS Item) goes with an ICD10 code from Category:DeliriumdeclinedCCMDB.accdbICD10 Dx check
CCI Px check
Data Integrity Checks
TISS28 check
Check APACHE physiological variable high lowan APACHE physiological variable is extremely high or lowimplementedCCMDB.accdbAPACHE check
Data Integrity Checks
APACHE II Physiological Variables
Query check minimal data set incompletemakes sure the Minimal Data Set is collected before records can be sent.implementedCCMDB.accdbRegistry checks
Data Integrity Checks
Function Validate Previous Locationvalidates Previous Location field: implementedCCMDB.accdbRegistry checks
Data Integrity Checks
Query check prev pre-admit consistentfor inpatient transfers within the WRHA, Previous Location field and Pre-admit Inpatient Institution field should be same.implementedCCMDB.accdbRegistry checks
Data Integrity Checks
query s_tmp_project_item_consistentChecks that tmp project entries only contain combinations of project and item that are allowed.implementedCCMDB.accdbTmp check
Data Integrity Checks
Tmp Project Infrastructure
Query s tmp apostrophe in commentThere must not be apostrophes in the comment field as they would mess with Julie's data analysis.implementedCCMDB.accdbTmp check
Data Integrity Checks
Function Validate PHIN
  • for patients with Province = MB, the PHIN has to be (> 100 000 000 and <= 130 000 000) or 999 999 999 (to accommodate PHIN_field#Location_Manitoba_and_no_PHIN
  • for out-of-province patients, the PHIN must be entered as blank
  • checks Function PHIN same as Chart
  • implementedCCMDB.accdbRegistry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    Function PHIN same as ChartPHIN can't be the same as ChartimplementedCCMDB.accdbRegistry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    Function Validate ProvinceValidates the Province field: implementedCCMDB.accdbRegistry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    Date of BirthThe minimum age allowed is 10, the maximum age allowed is 120.implementedCCMDB.accdbL Log table
    L PHI table
    Registry checks
    Data structure
    Data Collection Guide
    Data Integrity Checks
    Registry Data
    CCMDB.accdb cross checks triggering for correct values
    Cognos Report Integrator
    Function Validate Dispodoesn't allow emptyimplementedCCMDB.accdbRegistry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check dx primary not exactly oneThere has to be exactly one dx per patient with Dx Primary checked, and it has to be an Admit DiagnosisimplementedCCMDB.accdbICD10 Dx check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check dx primary lowest priorityThe dx with Dx Primary checked should be one of the group of Combined ICD10 codes with the lowest Dx Priority.implementedCCMDB.accdbICD10 Dx check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check ICD10 dateAcquired Diagnosis / Complication must have Dx Date or Dx Date unknown, other Dx Type must have neither, and must be Admit DtTm<Dx_Date<Dispo_DtTmimplementedCCMDB.accdbICD10 Dx check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check ICD10 unfilledICD10 entry with missing Dx_Type, Dx_Priority or No Dx EnteredimplementedCCMDB.accdbICD10 Dx check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check CCI DatePx Date must be sensible when compared to first Service tmp entry and Dispo_DtTmimplementedCCMDB.accdbCCI Px check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check CCI Component unfilledCCI Component entry with missing px, Px_Type or Px_CountimplementedCCMDB.accdbCCI
    CCI Px check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check CCI Picklist unfilledCCI Picklist entry with missing px, Px_Type or Px_CountimplementedCCMDB.accdbCCI
    CCI Px check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check CCI component 1 and 2 compatibleComponent CCIs must have compatible component 1 and component 2implementedCCMDB.accdbCCI Px check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Check Function Validate PostalCodeValidates that Postal Code field only contains characters in format allowed for a postal codeimplementedCCMDB.accdbPostal Codes
    Registry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    Check function Validate Last name
  • can't be blank
  • can't start with a space
  • can't start with a hyphen
  • only allows letters, spaces and hyphens
  • implementedCCMDB.accdbRegistry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    Check function Validate First name
    • can't be blank
    • can't start with a space
    • can't start with a hyphen
    • only allows letters, spaces and hyphens
    implementedCCMDB.accdbRegistry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    Check function location NE dispoService/Location field can't be same as Dispo fieldimplementedCCMDB.accdbRegistry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    Check function previous NE LocationPrevious Location field can't be same as Service/Location fieldimplementedCCMDB.accdbRegistry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    Check Sub PharmCheckEvery CC record has to have at least one pharmacy record (possibly all zeros), and the number of drug days can't be GT LOS,implementedCCMDB.accdbData Integrity Checks
    Length of stay
    Check duplicate patientthere are no duplicate entries for the same patient ward admission on the laptop at send timeimplementedCCMDB.accdbRegistry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    PL Diff Phin SameLN FN DOBChecks that there are no likely matches of this patient with a different PHIN (ie typos)implementedCentralized data front end.accdbCentralized data front end.accdb
    PL queries
    Registry checks
    Data Processing
    Data Integrity Checks
    PL SameCHART Site Diff PHINA record with this Chart number already exists for this service/Location and it has a different PHIN.implementedCentralized data front end.accdbCentralized data front end.accdb
    PL queries
    Registry checks
    Data Processing
    Data Integrity Checks
    PL SamePHIN Site Diff chartAnother record exists for this site with the same PHIN and a different Chart number.implementedCentralized data front end.accdbCentralized data front end.accdb
    PL queries
    Registry checks
    Data Processing
    Data Integrity Checks
    Link suspect negative transit time queryUsed in Correcting suspect links to find records where an earlier record for a patient with that PHIN has a Dispo DtTm that is later than the next record's Admit DtTm.implementedCentralized data front end.accdbMultiple encounter longitudinal consistency check
    Centralized data front end.accdb
    Registry checks
    Data Processing
    Data Integrity Checks
    Multiple Encounter linking
    Link suspect dead then alive queryUsed in Correcting suspect links to find records where an earlier record with that PHIN was listed as dispo field deceased, but a later entry then shows up.implementedCentralized data front end.accdbMultiple encounter longitudinal consistency check
    Centralized data front end.accdb
    Registry checks
    Data Processing
    Data Integrity Checks
    Multiple Encounter linking
    Link suspect mismatch from ours incomplete queryUsed in Correcting suspect links to find records where a later record with that PHIN has a Previous Location entry corresponding to one of our sites as per the s_dispo table.real_collection table, but an earlier corresponding entry doesn't exist for that location.implementedCentralized data front end.accdbMultiple encounter longitudinal consistency check
    Centralized data front end.accdb
    Registry checks
    Data Processing
    Data Integrity Checks
    Multiple Encounter linking
    Link suspect mismatch to ours incomplete queryUsed in Correcting suspect links to find records where an earlier record with that PHIN has a dispo entry corresponding to one of our sites as per the s_dispo table.real_collection, but a later corresponding entry doesn't exist for that location.implementedCentralized data front end.accdbMultiple encounter longitudinal consistency check
    Centralized data front end.accdb
    Registry checks
    Data Processing
    Data Integrity Checks
    Multiple Encounter linking
    Check function Validate Pre Acute Living Situationcan't be blankimplementedCCMDB.accdbRegistry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    Link_suspect_not_same_visitAdmitDtTm queryChecks for records that are likely part of the same admission but have different Visit Admit DtTm field.implementedCentralized data front end.accdbCentralized data front end.accdb
    Registry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check cooling vs arrestDue to our definition of Targeted Temperature Management (TTM) that code can only be used if there is a Cardiac arrest dximplementedCCMDB.accdbCCI
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check hernia type vs complicationany abdominal hernia complication dx must have an abdominal hernia type dx coded.implementedCCMDB.accdbHernia
    ICD10 Dx check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check AIDS vs HIVA record can not have both AIDS (disease due to HIV) and HIV infection, asymptomaticimplementedCCMDB.accdbICD10 Dx check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query s tmp QASeptic tmp no dxCC pt has QA Septic Shock tmp entry and no Septic Shock/Shock, septic dximplementedCCMDB.accdbICD10 Dx check
    Old dx check
    Tmp check
    Data Integrity Checks
    PL Chart 9 DigitFinds any chart numbers that have >8 digits. This would usually mean someone confused a PHIN and a Chart numberimplementedCentralized data front end.accdbCentralized data front end.accdb
    PL queries
    Registry checks
    Data Processing
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check ICD10 Comorbids NoComo code but othersIf No Comorbidities (ICD10 code) is entered, there must really be no other comorbidities codedimplementedCCMDB.accdbICD10 Dx check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check ICD10 Comorbids Dx presentAll complete patients must have at least one ICD10 entry for Dx Type Comorbid Diagnosis, which might be No Comorbidities (ICD10 code).implementedCCMDB.accdbICD10 Dx check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Check Inf Antibiotic resistance must have pathogen or Infection with implied pathogenevery dx in Category:Antibiotic resistance must have a dx in Category:Infection with implied pathogen or in Category:Pathogens as Combined ICD10 codes.implementedCCMDB.accdbICD10 Dx check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Check Inf Infection with implied pathogen must not have a pathogen combined codeevery dx in Category:Infection with implied pathogen must not have a dx in Category:Pathogens as Combined ICD10 codes.implementedCCMDB.accdbICD10 Dx check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Function Validate Chartvalidates the Chart number:
    • Chart must be numerical
    • chart must be
    • checks Function PHIN same as Chart
    • no further checks at this time because chart numbers are different at different hospitals
    implementedCCMDB.accdbRegistry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    Sub Dx CheckerRuns most Category:Old_dx_check, Category:ICD10 Dx check, Category:CCI Px check, and a few other checks for dxsimplementedCCMDB.accdbICD10 Dx check
    Old dx check
    CCI Px check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check_ICD10_ESRD_vs_kidney_transplantIf there is a Past history, transplanted kidney then there can only be Chronic kidney disease (end-stage renal/kidney disease, ESRD), Stage 5, GFR LT 15 if there is also Kidney transplant, failure or rejection or unspecified complicationimplementedCCMDB.accdbICD10 Dx check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Function Validate Pre admit Inpatient Institutionvalidates Pre-admit Inpatient Institution field:
  • Can not be blank
  • Check function preAdmit NE Location
  • implementedCCMDB.accdbData Integrity Checks
    Query check CCI Picklist duplicatesNo duplication of CCI Picklist Px_Type, Px_Date, Px_CountimplementedCCMDB.accdbCCI
    CCI Px check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check CCI Component duplicatesNo duplication of CCI Component Px_Type, Px_DateimplementedCCMDB.accdbCCI
    CCI Px check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query s tmp QASeptic Dx no tmp ICD10CC patient has Septic Shock/Shock, septic dx and no QA Septic Shock tmp entryimplementedCCMDB.accdbICD10 Dx check
    Old dx check
    Tmp check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query s tmp ABO TEE checksEach of the three ABO TEE project entries must have one entry on the ITEM for patients with RecordStatus completeimplementedCCMDB.accdbTmp check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Service/Location check
    Link suspect mismatch pre inpt ours incomplete queryChecks for patients where Pre-admit Inpatient Institution is one of ours but we don't have a corresponding record.implementedCentralized data front end.accdbCentralized data front end.accdb
    Registry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    Check function preAdmit NE LocationPre-admit Inpatient Institution field can't be same as Service/Location fieldimplementedCCMDB.accdbRegistry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query s tmp IICU consult dispo to IICU but no tmpA patient is discharged to IICU and does not have an IICU consult entry.implementedCCMDB.accdbTmp check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query NDC Bad Postal CodeCross check of postal codes against known postal codesimplementedCentralized data front end.accdbPostal Codes
    Centralized data front end.accdb
    Registry checks
    Data Processing
    Data Integrity Checks
    To do
    Query send check centralized is ownerRun automatically at the beginning of sending to ensure that no records that are already vetted or sent can be re-sentimplementedCCMDB.accdbRegistry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check ICD10 mechanism vs traumaTraumas need mechanisms, and mechanisms need traumas (see also Template:ICD10 Guideline Trauma w mechanism).implementedCCMDB.accdbICD10 Dx check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check ICD10 Inf Infection req Pathogen must have oneevery dx in Category:Infection requiring pathogen must have a dx in Category:Pathogens or Category:Double duty pathogen as Combined ICD10 codes.implementedCCMDB.accdbICD10 Dx check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check ICD10 only 1 stage of renal failurecan only have one stage of renal failure in Comorbid Diagnosis and in Admit DiagnosisimplementedCCMDB.accdbICD10 Dx check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check ICD10 chronic vent acute resp failureChronic dependence on mechanical ventilator should not be coded with Respiratory failure (insufficiency) NOS, acuteimplementedCCMDB.accdbICD10 Dx check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check CCI from OR no CCIIf from OR or PACU, must have at least 1 CCI Procedure other than No procedure performedimplementedCCMDB.accdbCCI Px check
    Registry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query NDC Postal Code over timeCross check of postal codes for consistency during a continuous hospital admissionimplementedCentralized data front end.accdbPostal Codes
    Centralized data front end.accdb
    Registry checks
    Data Processing
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check tmp generate allowedcheck that tmp project/item combo exists for this location for a projectimplementedCCMDB.accdbTmp check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query s tmp Boarding Loc date itemValidates entries for Boarding LocimplementedCCMDB.accdbTmp check
    Registry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    PL SamePhin Diff DOB SexAnother record exists with the same PHIN but a different Date of Birth, SeximplementedCentralized data front end.accdbCentralized data front end.accdb
    PL queries
    Registry checks
    Data Processing
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check tmp service or location duplicateService tmp entry and Boarding_Loc entries must not have duplicate dates and services resp. locations and commentsimplementedCCMDB.accdbTmp check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check tmp service and program consistencyService tmp entry values must be consistent with the ProgramimplementedCCMDB.accdbTmp check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check CCI if no then noneIf No procedure performed in CCI Picklist there must be no other entries in CCI Picklist or CCI ComponentimplementedCCMDB.accdbCCI
    CCI Px check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check CCI TISS NrDays GT LOSThere are more TISS Item Px_Dates than there are days between the first Service tmp entry and Dispo DtTmimplementedCCMDB.accdbCCI
    CCI Px check
    Registry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    Length of stay
    TISS28 timing checks
    TISS28 check
    Query check CCI TISS NrDays LT LOSThere are more TISS Item Px_Dates than there are days between the first Service tmp entry and Dispo DtTmimplementedCCMDB.accdbCCI Px check
    Registry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    Length of stay
    TISS28 timing checks
    TISS28 check
    Query check CCI TISS if no then noneIf No TISS Item (TISS Item) in CCI Picklist there must be no other entry from TISS Item List in CCI Picklist, and vice versaimplementedCCMDB.accdbCCI
    CCI Px check
    Data Integrity Checks
    TISS28 check
    Query check ICD10 dx implying death must have appropriate dispoIf dx is (Brain death;Medical Assistance In Dying;Sudden cardiac death (and died)) then Dispo field must be one of the Deceased patients optionsimplementedCCMDB.accdbICD10 Dx check
    Data Integrity Checks
    End-of-life related data
    Query check CCI TISS Intubation vs IntubatedAny marked TISS Item in T28 - Planned extubation (TISS Item) or in T29 - Unplanned extubation (TISS Item) must have the T22 - ETT Present (TISS Item) on the same date.implementedCCMDB.accdbData Integrity Checks
    TISS28 check
    Query check CCI TISS Vented without mechanismAny marked TISS Item T18 - Invasive Mechanical Ventilation (TISS Item) has to have (T22 - ETT Present (TISS Item) or T23 - Trach Tube Present (TISS Item)) for the same date.implementedCCMDB.accdbTracheostomy
    Data Integrity Checks
    TISS28 check
    Query check transfer DtTm during admissionTransfer Ready DtTm tmp entry should never be earlier than first Boarding Loc dttm or later than Dispo DtTmimplementedCCMDB.accdbTransfer Ready
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check CCI TISS Pharm VasoactiveCompare Vasoactive drug IV continuous-single (TISS Item)/T14 - Vasoactive drug IV continuous-multiple simultaneous (TISS Item) against Pharmacy entries for vasoactive drugs.implementedCCMDB.accdbData Integrity Checks
    TISS28 check
    Query s tmp check combined Boarding Loc and TransferReadyDtTmValidates that there are no unmatched Transfer Ready DtTm tmp entry and Boarding Loc as per Template:Combined instructions for Transfer Ready DtTm and Boarding Loc.implementedCCMDB.accdbTmp check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query s tmp check Boarding Loc and TransferReadyDtTm pairsValidates that combinations of Transfer Ready DtTm tmp entry and Boarding Loc with the same integer always appear as pairs as per Template:Combined instructions for Transfer Ready DtTm and Boarding Loc.implementedCCMDB.accdbTmp check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check tmp Boarding Loc Service first sameValidates that the DtTm for the first Service tmp entry is the same as that for the first Boarding Loc entryimplementedCCMDB.accdbTmp check
    Registry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check has transfer ready date or checkboxEach Transfer Ready DtTm tmp entry has to have either a dttm, or its checkbox checked.implementedCCMDB.accdbQuestions
    Data Integrity Checks
    PatientFollow Project
    Query Check Inf Pathogens must have Infection requiring pathogen or Potential InfectionDxs in Category:Pathogens (but not in Category:Double duty pathogen) must have either a Category:Infection requiring pathogen or Category:Potential infection as Combined ICD10 codes.implementedCCMDB.accdbICD10 Dx check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check ICD10 awaiting has Transfer Ready DtTmAny patient who has code in Category:Awaiting/delayed transfer has to have a (Transfer Ready DtTm or Transfer Ready DtTm tmp entry) on a different day than their Dispo DtTm.implementedCCMDB.accdbTransfer Ready
    ICD10 Dx check
    Registry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    PL 2Phin Fake or BlankFinds blank PHINs and those entered to meet function Validate_PHIN so Data Processor can apply PseudoPHIN via Generating PseudoPHINs.implementedCentralized data front end.accdbCentralized data front end.accdb
    PL queries
    Registry checks
    Data Processing
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check eliminated ICD10disallows any currently entered diagnosis that has been eliminatedimplementedCCMDB.accdbICD10 Dx check
    CCI Px check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check eliminated CCI Pickdisallows any currently entered diagnosis that has been eliminatedimplementedCCMDB.accdbCCI Px check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check eliminated CCI Compdisallows any currently entered diagnosis that has been eliminatedimplementedCCMDB.accdbCCI Px check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check tmp 2 BL TR S same tmThere can't be two Transfer Ready DtTm or two Boarding Loc or two Service tmp entries with the same date and timeimplementedCCMDB.accdbTmp check
    Data Integrity Checks
    To do
    Query check tmp Service and Boarding Loc during admission timeframeService tmp entry and Boarding Loc date and time var need to be between Admit DtTm and Dispo DtTm.implementedCCMDB.accdbTmp check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check pt from ERpart of validating Boarding LocimplementedCCMDB.accdbData Integrity Checks
    Query check CCI ICD10 Dialysis no DxIf a profile has one of the #Dialysis CCI Items there should also be one of the #Dialysis qualifying Dxs.implementedCCMDB.accdbICD10 Dx check
    Data Integrity Checks
    TISS28 check
    Query check CCI must have entryThere must be at least 1 CCI entry in L_CCI_Picklist table (which might be No procedure performed)implementedCCMDB.accdbCCI
    CCI Px check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check CCI vs LOS count days componentConfirm that CCI Collection Mode or CCI Component CCI collect count days items don't have a count > LOS.implementedCCMDB.accdbCCI Px check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Length of stay
    Query check CCI vs LOS count days picklistConfirm that CCI Collection Mode for CCI Picklist CCI collect count days items don't have a count > LOS.implementedCCMDB.accdbCCI Px check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Length of stay
    Query check CCI TISS discontinuous ETTT22 - ETT Present (TISS Item) should start with an T40 - Insertion of ETT (TISS Item) and end with an T28 - Planned extubation (TISS Item) or T29 - Unplanned extubation (TISS Item).implementedCCMDB.accdbData Integrity Checks
    TISS28 check
    Query check CCI TISS matching BoardingLoc timeIf the Px Date component of a CCI Picklist has a time, then there must be a corresponding Boarding Loc entryimplementedCCMDB.accdbCCI
    CCI Px check
    Data Integrity Checks
    TISS28 timing checks
    TISS28 check
    Link suspect mismatch pre inpt should be ours incomplete queryWhat is descriptionimplementedCentralized data front end.accdbMultiple encounter longitudinal consistency check
    Centralized data front end.accdb
    Registry checks
    Data Processing
    Data Integrity Checks
    Multiple Encounter linking
    Reconnect check orphans queryRecord meets following conditions
  • RecordStatus field is incomplete
  • the record doesn't have the same SentDtTm field as the newest SentDtTm for that Service/Location.
  • implementedCentralized data front end.accdbCentralized data front end.accdb
    PL queries
    Data Processing
    Data Integrity Checks
    Reconnect check missing L Tables content queryComplete patients must have entries in all of
  • L_ICD10 table
  • L_CCI_Picklist table
  • L_Labs_Flowsheet table
  • L_Pharm_Flowsheet table
  • implementedCentralized data front end.accdbCentralized data front end.accdb
    Data Integrity Checks
    Reconnect check Completes queryShows any records in that have RecordStatus "Complete", indicating failed send.implementedCentralized data front end.accdbCentralized data front end.accdb
    CCI wiki infrastructure
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query s tmp Boarding Loc ER delay reasonableFlags Boarding Loc entries for ERs where a second Boarding Loc entry exists that is less than 30 min later or more than 67 hours later for CC or more than 144 hrs later for MedimplementedCCMDB.accdbTmp check
    Registry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query NDC dx implying death across encountersCategory:Diagnosis implying death across encountersimplementedCentralized data front end.accdbMultiple encounter longitudinal consistency check
    Centralized data front end.accdb
    ICD10 Dx check
    Registry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    End-of-life related data
    Query Check BL TR combiner nullChecks that all Boarding Loc / Transfer Ready DtTm tmp entry pairs have a non-null combiner integer.implementedCCMDB.accdbTransfer Ready
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check no consecutive same BL or ServiceCheck that there are no two identical Boarding Locs or Services without a different one with a time stamp in between those two.implementedCCMDB.accdbData Integrity Checks
    Query check Transfer DtTm after paired BL and before later BLFor each pair, the Transfer Ready DtTm tmp entry should never be earlier any Boarding Loc dttm, nor later than the next Boarding LocimplementedCCMDB.accdbTransfer Ready
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check CCI Component no admin entriesThere must be no No procedure entered/Blank procedure entry in CCI Component.implementedCCMDB.accdbCCI
    CCI Px check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check ICD10 trach has trach but no TISSIf there is a Tracheostomy, has one (Z93.0) ICD10, there should likely be a T23 - Trach Tube Present (TISS Item)implementedCCMDB.accdbTracheostomy
    ICD10 Dx check
    CCI Px check
    Data Integrity Checks
    TISS28 check
    Query check ICD10 trach create but no TISSIf there is an acquired Tracheostomy creation there also has to be a Trach Tube Present (TISS Item)implementedCCMDB.accdbTracheostomy
    CCI Px check
    Data Integrity Checks
    TISS28 check
    Query check ICD10 CLI vs CCI CentralLineChecks for critical care patients who have a Iatrogenic, infection, central venous catheter-related bloodstream infection (CVC-BSI, CLI) but no T17 - Central venous catheter (TISS Item).implementedCCMDB.accdbICD10 Dx check
    Old dx check
    Data Integrity Checks
    TISS28 check
    Query check ICD10 trach dxs consistentTracheostomy related CCI and ICD10 codes must be consistent with each other.implementedCCMDB.accdbTracheostomy
    ICD10 Dx check
    CCI Px check
    Data Integrity Checks
    TISS28 check
    Query check_ICD10_ESRD_and_AKI_only_if_transplantA patient who has an ESRD dx and an AKI dx is an error unless they also have a kidney transplant CCI.implementedCCMDB.accdbICD10 Dx check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check tmp BedHeldSanity check for BedHeldEnd DtTmimplementedCCMDB.accdbTmp check
    Registry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query s tmp EuroSCORE II checksEach of the two Euroscore II project entries must have one entry and the float_var must be between 0 and 23.99 if RecordStatus is completeimplementedCCMDB.accdbTmp check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Service/Location check
    Query check CCI Picklist if no admin entriesThere must be no No procedure entered/Blank procedure entry in CCI Picklist.implementedCCMDB.accdbCCI
    CCI Px check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query s_tmp_AHC_consistentChecks for Project AHCimplementedCCMDB.accdbTmp check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check LAU collection readmission datadates must make senseimplementedCCMDB.accdbData Integrity Checks
    LAU Collection Project
    query check_Project_Consults_dataevery LAU Collection Project must have an entry, and the date must make senseimplementedCCMDB.accdbACP
    Data Integrity Checks
    LAU Collection Project
    Query check ACP Status Collection for LAUevery LAU Collection Project must have an entry, and the date must make senseimplementedCCMDB.accdbACP
    Data Integrity Checks
    LAU Collection Project
    Query check_Project_OT_PT_Consultsevery LAU OT/PT consults must have an entry, and the date must make senseimplementedCCMDB.accdbACP
    Data Integrity Checks
    LAU Collection Project
    Query check long transfer delayIs the Transfer Delay (Critical Care) or Transfer Delay (Medicine) unreasonably long?needs reviewCCMDB.accdbTransfer Ready
    Data Integrity Checks
    To do
    Query Import request matcherRecords in for which we have patients in L_Log but no lab records from DSMneeds reviewDSM Labs Consistency check.accdbDSM Labs Extract
    Data Integrity Checks
    DSM Labs Consistency check.accdb
    DSM check
    Function long LOS()LOS/Length of Stay should not be unlikely long based on historical LOS for a given ward (Service/Location field).needs reviewCCMDB.accdbRegistry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    Length of stay
    2016 Time and Place changes
    Service/Location check
    Query cardiac arrest throughout admissionAny patient who is admitted to ICU from Med or another ICU with a #Cardiac Arrest dx should have one in their immediately preceeding Med or ICU record also.needs reviewCentralized data front end.accdbCentralized data front end.accdb
    Tmp check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Service/Location check
    To do
    Query check CCI each count vs LOSConfirm that a Category:Labs Imaging count is not unreasonably highneeds reviewCCMDB.accdbCCI Px check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Length of stay
    Query s_tmp_MRChecks for Project MRneeds reviewCCMDB.accdbTmp check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Check organ donors must be deadorgan donors must be deceasednot feasibleCCMDB.accdbLegacy Content
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query s tmp Borrow no borrow on own unitCan't have Project Borrow arrive on own unitnot feasibleCCMDB.accdbTmp check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check ICD10 ESRD vs ARFCan't have ESRD and acute renal failure, except if there was a transplant during this ward staynot feasibleCCMDB.accdbICD10 Dx check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Link_suspect_visitAdmitDtTm_mult_to-from-home queryChecks for records that are likely part of the same admission but have different Visit Admit DtTm field.ready to implementCentralized data front end.accdbCentralized data front end.accdb
    Registry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    Check BRR/XBR vs cardiac arrest dxIf there is an Admit Diagnosis or Acquired Diagnosis of at least one of:
  • Witnessed Cardiac Arrest
  • Unwitnessed Cardiac Arrest
  • then there has to be a BRR collection entry.
    retiredCCMDB.accdbLegacy Content
    Data Integrity Checks
    Check Function Panelling admit transfer sameIf patient has Panelling or Discharge Planning as Admit Diagnosis then Arrive DtTm field must be equal to Transfer Ready DtTm field.retiredCCMDB.accdbLegacy Content
    Old dx check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check ApARF CRFARF (APACHE) and CRF - Chronic Renal Failure can not be coded together for the same patient.retiredCCMDB.accdbLegacy Content
    ICD10 Dx check
    Data Collection Guide
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query Check Renal IncompatibleDxscan't have ARF and CRF in same recordretiredCCMDB.accdbLegacy Content
    Old dx check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check trach dx taskmake sure Trach Task is entered correctlyretiredCCMDB.accdbLegacy Content
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query s tmp QAInf basicchecks that none of int, float, bool fields are used in this data.retiredCCMDB.accdbLegacy Content
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query s tmp QAInf dx no tmpIf Complication Diagnosis is one of:

    then there has to be a

    • L_TmpV2 entry with project "ICU Infection Audit"
    retiredCCMDB.accdbLegacy Content
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query s tmp QAInf tmp no dxIf "QAInf" entry is present in L_TmpV2 then
  • program must be "CC"
  • the corresponding diagnosis must exist
  • retiredCCMDB.accdbLegacy Content
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query s tmp QAInf LT 48 hrs after admitDtTm of QAInf entry has to be at least 48hrs after patient admission unless the inf_dttm is blank.retiredCCMDB.accdbLegacy Content
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query s tmp ACPerror if ACP Status collection in ICU is missing part of the entry.retiredCCMDB.accdbLegacy Content
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check VAP admit must be from ICUVAP should only be Admit Diagnosis when Previous Location is an ICU.retiredCCMDB.accdbMultiple encounter longitudinal consistency check
    VAP - Ventilator Associated Pneumonia
    ICD10 Dx check
    Old dx check
    Registry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query NDC VAP unacceptable dateChecks for Arrive DtTm before QA Infection VAP date and Dispo DtTm after QA Infection VAP date.retiredCentralized data front end.accdbCentralized data front end.accdb
    Old dx check
    Registry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query NDC VAP AcqDX but NoVAP DateinTMPV2Checks that any record with an Acquired Diagnosis VAP has a QA Infection VAP entry with a date.retiredCentralized data front end.accdbCentralized data front end.accdb
    Old dx check
    Registry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query NDC VAP No AcqDX but VAP DateinTMPV2Checks that any record with QA Infection VAP entry with a date also has an Acquired Diagnosis VAP .retiredCentralized data front end.accdbCentralized data front end.accdb
    Old dx check
    Registry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    Check eliminated dxdisallows any currently entered diagnosis that has been eliminatedretiredCCMDB.accdbOld dx check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query NDC zCRRT TISS no tmpRecord has T33 - CRRT (TISS Item) but no CRRT Project tmp entryretiredCentralized data front end.accdbCentralized data front end.accdb
    Legacy Content
    Data Integrity Checks
    Legacy Tmp check
    Legacy TISS28 check
    Query NDC zCRRT tmp no TISSRecord has CRRT tmp but no T33 - CRRT (TISS Item) entryretiredCentralized data front end.accdbCentralized data front end.accdb
    Data Integrity Checks
    Legacy Tmp check
    Legacy TISS28 check
    Query check CCI CRRT vs TmpIf CCI CRRT (incl volume removal via PRISMA device) exists there should be a tmp CRRT entry and vice versaretiredCCMDB.accdbTmp check
    CCI Px check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query NDC CLI unacceptable dateChecks that the QA Infection CLI Dt is between the Arrive DtTm and Dispo DtTmretiredCentralized data front end.accdbCentralized data front end.accdb
    Old dx check
    Registry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query s tmp Borrow sensible DtTm vs no borrowChecks that data for Project Borrow arrive follows that project'sretiredCCMDB.accdbTmp check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query s tmp Borrow duplicatesChecks that data for Project Borrow arrive follows that project'sretiredCCMDB.accdbTmp check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check overstay not enteredcheck that all has been entered for the Overstay projectretiredCCMDB.accdbTmp check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check overstay pt from our medpts from a location where we collect should not have Overstay colourretiredCCMDB.accdbTmp check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check overstay no colourMed pts must have Overstay coloursretiredCCMDB.accdbTmp check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check dispo lower acuity than locationcheck for patients going to lower level of care (based on S dispo table.acuity_level) but without Transfer_Ready_DtTm; Check will launch an error but allow no date, ie it's just a reminder, see Level of care hierarchy.retiredCCMDB.accdbTransfer Ready
    Legacy Content
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check ICD10 ESRD vs AP ARFARF (APACHE) and CRF - Chronic Renal Failure can not be coded together for the same patient.retirednot enteredICD10 Dx check
    Data Collection Guide
    Data Integrity Checks
    Function Transfer Ready DtTm vs statusIf Transfer_Ready_DtTm is blank, TR_info_status must not be; if TR_info_status has content, Transfer_Ready_DtTm must be blank.retiredCCMDB.accdbRegistry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    Function Validate Transfer Ready DtTmdoesn't allow violation of function Transfer_Ready_DtTm_vs_statusretiredCCMDB.accdbRegistry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query TISS Errors vent vs vent2300Any marked TISS Item T - Invasive mechanical ventilation at 2300 hrs (TISS Item) has to have a corresponding marked TISS Item T18 - Invasive Mechanical Ventilation (TISS Item) for the same date.retiredCentralized data front end.accdbCentralized data front end.accdb
    Legacy Content
    Data Integrity Checks
    Legacy Registry check
    Legacy TISS28 check
    Query TISS Errors CVC vs CVC2300Any marked TISS Item T - Central Venous Catheter at 2300 (TISS Item) has to have a corresponding marked TISS Item T17 - Central venous catheter (TISS Item) for the same date.retiredTISS28.accdbData Integrity Checks
    Legacy TISS28 check
    Query TISS Errors BIPAP vs BIPAP2300Any marked TISS Item T - BIPAP at 2300 (TISS Item) has to have a corresponding marked TISS Item T21 - Non-invasive CPAP or BIPAP (TISS Item) for the same date.retiredTISS28.accdbData Integrity Checks
    Legacy TISS28 check
    Query TISS Errors D ID not in CFEThe D_ID on a TISS28 form does not exist in CFEretiredTISS28.accdbTISS28 Scanning Process
    Data Integrity Checks
    Legacy TISS28 check
    Query NDC TISS CCI endoscopicIf pt has T26 & 27 - Endoscopy (TISS Item) then there must be an endoscopic CCI for that day.retiredCentralized data front end.accdbCentralized data front end.accdb
    Legacy Content
    Data Integrity Checks
    Legacy CCI Px check
    Legacy TISS28 check
    Query NDC zCRRT CCI Px but no TISSIf there is a T33 - CRRT (TISS Item) then there should be a CRRT (incl volume removal via PRISMA device) CCI PxretiredCentralized data front end.accdbCentralized data front end.accdb
    Legacy Content
    Data Integrity Checks
    Legacy CCI Px check
    Legacy TISS28 check
    Query NDC zCRRT TISS but no CCI PxIf there is a T33 - CRRT (TISS Item) then there should be a CRRT (incl volume removal via PRISMA device) CCI PxretiredCentralized data front end.accdbCentralized data front end.accdb
    Legacy Content
    Data Integrity Checks
    Legacy CCI Px check
    Legacy TISS28 check
    Query TISS Errors TISS date out of admissionTISS date is not during admissionretiredTISS28.accdbLegacy Content
    TISS28 Scanning Process
    Data Integrity Checks
    Legacy Registry check
    Legacy TISS28 check
    Query TISS Errors duplicate ItemsA TISS28 item exists twiceretiredTISS28.accdbLegacy Content
    TISS28 Scanning Process
    Data Integrity Checks
    Legacy TISS28 check
    Link suspect transfer ready greater than dispoChecks for records that have Transfer Ready DtTm field is greater than Dispo DtTm field.retiredCentralized data front end.accdbCentralized data front end.accdb
    Legacy Content
    Registry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    Link suspect transfer ready before arrive dateChecks for records that have Transfer Ready DtTm field is before Arrive_DtTm field.retiredCentralized data front end.accdbCentralized data front end.accdb
    Legacy Content
    Registry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query TISS Errors missing daysThere are no TISS28 entries for a day that should have at least one based on Accept DtTm and Dispo DtTmretiredTISS28.accdbLegacy Content
    TISS28 Scanning Process
    Data Integrity Checks
    Legacy TISS28 check
    Query check transfer ready tmp for each Boarding LocThere should be a Transfer Ready DtTm tmp entry for each Boarding Loc entry of a profileretiredCCMDB.accdbTransfer Ready
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query NDC Trach Dx TISSTracheostomy ICD10s and CCIs must be consistent with Trach TISS.retiredCentralized data front end.accdbTracheostomy
    TISS28 Legacy
    Centralized data front end.accdb
    Legacy Content
    ICD10 Dx check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Legacy CCI Px check
    Query s tmp Boarding Loc no borrow but entryValidates entries for Boarding LocretiredCCMDB.accdbTmp check
    Registry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query check tmp Transfer Ready not before Boarding LocValidates that the DtTm for a Transfer_Ready_DtTm_tmp entry is not before its matching Boarding Loc entryretiredCCMDB.accdbTmp check
    Registry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query NDC Pacemaker acquired vs TISSRecords with Acquired Procedure of Pacemaker insertion, temporary that don't have date-matching Pacemaker insertion or vice versa.retiredCentralized data front end.accdbCentralized data front end.accdb
    Legacy Content
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query NDC cardioversion dx vs TISSIf pt has Acquired Procedure Cardioversion (EXCLUDE defibrillation-we are not tracking), then the TISS28 item T26 & 27 - Cardioversion (TISS Item) (T41) must be marked.retiredCentralized data front end.accdbCentralized data front end.accdb
    CCI Px check
    Data Integrity Checks
    TISS28 check
    Query check CCI InExtubation consistentAny marked TISS Item T40 - Insertion of ETT (TISS Item) or in T22 - ETT Present (TISS Item) must have at least one marked TISS item either in T28 - Planned extubation (TISS Item) or in T29 - Unplanned extubation (TISS Item)retiredCentralized data front end.accdbCentralized data front end.accdb
    Data Integrity Checks
    Query s tmp IICU consult DtTm"IICU consult" must have either a date or the check box checked. If they have a date, it has to be between Arrive_DtTm and Dispo_DtTm.retiredCCMDB.accdbTmp check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Check Accept Loc Parkif Previous Location = <your hospital> ER (parked) and Pre-admit Inpatient Institution = "NA / not applicable" then there must be a Accept_Loc_park entry.
    if there is an Accept_Loc_park entry, then the Previous Location must be <your hospital> ER (parked) and Pre-admit Inpatient Institution must be "NA / not applicable"
    retiredCCMDB.accdbLegacy Content
    Tmp check
    Registry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    Check AcceptDtTm entered or missing checkedEither Accept DtTm field must have content or Accept DtTm missing field must be checked.retiredCCMDB.accdbAPACHE check
    Registry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    Function Dispo Chronological()Checks that the registry times are in a sensible chronological order.retiredCCMDB.accdbLegacy Content
    Registry checks
    Data Integrity Checks
    2016 Time and Place changes
    Query s tmp check combined BL and TRDtTm nonsequentialValidates that the combiner integers for Transfer Ready DtTm tmp entry and Boarding Loc are consecutive with the date/time_valsretiredCCMDB.accdbTmp check
    Data Integrity Checks
    Function Validate previous serviceValidates Previous Service field: can't be empty/blankretiredCCMDB.accdbLegacy Content
    Data Integrity Checks
    Legacy Registry check
    Query check previous location vs service inconsistentpatients with Previous Location field in medicine must have Previous Service field medicine; ICU (except STB ACCU, STB CICU/ICCS) must have previous service "critical care".retiredCCMDB.accdbData Integrity Checks
    Legacy Registry check
    Query s tmp comfort care gt oneOnly one entry allowed per patient.retiredCCMDB.accdbData Integrity Checks

    Checks under review

    See Data Integrity Check under review