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Revision as of 13:49, 14 April 2016 by TOstryzniuk (talk | contribs) (m)

DISP TAB in CCMDB - April 12, 2016

  • See: 2016 Time and Place changes
  • I know everyone has been busy for a number of months, as we have been seeing a spike in patient flow volumes in the Region related to flu.
  • Introducing changes at any given time is a challenge for all of us, as there really isn’t an ideal time to do this. As you are aware, we are continuing to proceed to move towards collectors entering data into DISPO tab in CCMDB. We introduced the Dispo Tab in CCMDB at the beginning of March to give staff time to see and test, so that when we move into phase 2 of testing (dual entry), collection staff are not lost in regards to what to enter in which field.
  • For March & April, the data collectors role is to:
    • “use often” - test
    • “become familiar with” the fields
    • “provide feedback/suggestions” to main office to improve it (on Wiki is preferable)
    • “ask questions”
  • The current goal is to start DUAL entry into BOTH the Registry tab and Disp Tab for all patients on: Monday May 2.
  • It is therefore, important for everyone to be very familiar with all the entry fields in the Disop tab at this point.
  • We will be discussing it at the team meeting on April 28th.
  • Thank you to staff who are making great efforts to collaborate in this change process. Your efforts and feedback are valuable. We need to hear from more collectors!!

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