Template:ICD10 Guideline ESRD vs Acute renal failure

This template contains info that is relevant to all the acute renal failure diagnoses.

To use:

{{ICD10 Guideline ESRD vs Acute renal failure}}


This has been discussed repeatedly over time. Here is an attempt at a Chronology, newest first

see more details for dx schema   

We used to not allow this in the old dx coding schema:

    1. if a patient is diagnosed with ARF (350) which means newly dialyzed and not on chronic outpatient dialysis prior to this admission (no 351 in comorbid) AND if during this encounter to hospital system, he continues to receive dialysis as he is moved around between hospitals and icu or medicine programs then he is still considered to be in ARF.(Trish)
      • How would someone who didn't receive dialysis before continue to receive dialysis? Ttenbergen 14:53, 29 October 2008 (CDT)
      • Julie's directions had been: "If having more than 1 encounter (i.e.: continuous or same hospital admission), then ARF(350) and CRF (351) should not appear together in at least one of the encounters." That's different from what Trish says now. Are we all on the same page? Ttenbergen 14:53, 29 October 2008 (CDT)
      • The definition that this patient would remain an ARF patient once they leave our ward, possibly are admitted somewhere where we don't collect, then maybe goes to the ICU, etc. is problematic since I don't think we can automatically assess that as the same hospital stay. More importantly, from what I hear about the quality of records travelling along with a patient, this is not something a DC at location 2 would be able to find out in any other way than by talking to the corresponding DC at location 1. This is an error prone, time consuming process, and I think we should re-consider the definition. Ttenbergen 14:53, 29 October 2008 (CDT)
    2. patients don't flip between (350)ARF and CRF (351) in the same encounter. (Trish)
      • so if someone enters hospital as ARF and stays here for 365 days on various wards with some icu stays, they should still be considered ARF during the last 3 day stay on a ward before they are discharged? I realize we don't flip back and forth but how about one way?Ttenbergen 14:53, 29 October 2008 (CDT)
  1. If the patient is discharged into the community, and will continue to receive outpatient dialysis, then the next time he is re admitted to a hospital in the city, he will be coded as CRF (351) in comorbid and admit or complication DX of ARF (350)cannot be used.(Trish)

Actual template content is below here:

ESRD vs Acute Renal Failure

  • UNLESS the patient has had a renal transplant and the transplanted kidney was functioning (and thus can experience acute renal failure)

About "Acute on Chronic renal failure"

  • Our definition for CRF includes two things, as above. If you are on dialysis then it is technically not possible to also have acute renal failure. And while our threshold of creatinine clearance < 15 ml/min USUALLY gets people on dialysis, that's not always the case. In other words, there are some people who don't need to start dialysis until their clearance is <10 or even 8 ml/min. THOSE people who by our definition have Stage 5 CKD cannot have ARF but rather this is considered a progression of their underlying disease. Instead of coding ARF, code the reason for dialysis ie. Fluid overload, Hyperkalemia, severe or symptomatic etc combined with Chronic kidney disease (end-stage renal/kidney disease, ESRD), Stage 5, GFR LT 15
  • And of course, if you previously had Stage 5, were on dialysis, then got a successful renal transplant, then you CAN get acute renal failure in your graft.