CRF - Chronic Renal Failure

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This page is about the pre-ICD10 diagnosis coding schema. See the ICD10 Diagnosis List, or the following for similar diagnoses in ICD10:Chronic kidney disease (end-stage renal/kidney disease, ESRD), Stage 5, GFR LT 15

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  • A patient who has been receiving outpatient dialysis treatments recently prior to hospitalization is considered to be in CRF.
  • A patient who is not currently in a dialysis treatment program should not be considered to be in CRF.
  • A patient with an intact kidney transplant who is not being dialyzed should not be coded as CRF

See Renal Coding Considerations (old) and ICD10 Guideline for Renal Coding because there are a number of coding rules related to renal diagnoses.

Data Integrity Checks (automatic list)

Query Check Renal IncompatibleDxsCCMDB.accdbretired
Check CRF vs ARF across multiple encountersCentralized data front end.accdbdeclined