Height and weight

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We are considering adding this to collection maybe later. this article is only a poll.

Z) decided to revisit SOFA scoring 6 months after ICD10 so same should likely go for this.

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  • Need to know where you would find this in chart or on ERP at your site?


  • HSC_MICU_SICU - Out of the patients that I saw today (Feb 14.18),
    • there were no entries for Ht or Wt in the EPR.
    • The nutrition assessment sheets were filled out, and they had a height and a weight.
    • Flow sheets also had weights, but no heights. p:Michelle Lagadia
      • They are also on procedure sheets such as in the cath labs.
      • The Fluid Balance on all ICU pts has a daily wt.


  • Just want you to know that I looked at approx. 20 pts on two wards for their EPR ht and wt (apparently can be found under patient information tab). I got about 4 listed in EPR. The rest would (hopefully) live in the chart somewhere. - p:Constance_Marks
  • TEE reports/Nursing Admission Assessment Sheet(#NS00738)/Cardiac Investigation Request Form [Stress lab/MIBI/Nuclear Medicine](# NS00686)some are just the weights...IF filled in!--Llemoine 15:06, 2018 February 14 (CST)
  • Further to EPR, weights listed were many years old (ie. 2011, 2008, etc) with a few relatively current ones. I also noted that weights were eventually done on most of the patients eventually but not on admission for the most part.
  • Dietary consult sheet--Llemoine 15:06, 2018 February 16 (CST)
  • "Clinical Flow Sheet and Fluid Balance Record" and "Nutritional Assessment Flow Sheet" - but it's not consistently done for every patient. --Jvelasco 13:19, 2018 February 20 (CST)
  • For H4 - Reviewed all inpatients and less than half have height & weight entered in EPR, none of the entries are current. H & W are not consistently documented in the charts. If done can be found on consults, flowsheets and Fluid balance records, but not consisitent. --Vpenner 10:24, 2018 February 28 (CST)


found inconsistently in the following places: EPR, Cumulative I & O sheet wt only, ICU flowsheet, and if there is an echo or dietician consult the ht and wt are often documented there. Lisa Kaita 11:16, 2018 February 22 (CST)


Nursing assessment/database under nutrition/elimination, Graphic sheet (VS) weight only, EPR, cumulative I & O weight only, dietician consult, echocardiogram result. These are all done inconsistently, except for the echo


  • My patients ht and wt (if documented)are visible in the Data Entry box under the Patient Info on EPR. Will there be an option to record (not recorded) if the information is not available? - p:Marla Penner
  • Height weight and body surface area is found in EPR under patient information. If it is not there, it has not been done yet.--LKolesar 07:18, 2018 February 13 (CST)


  • We get it from the patient info tab on the epr. If it's not there it likely hasn't been done, because there is no place on the very limited patient paper chart to put it there.DPageNewton 07:11, 2018 February 13 (CST)
  • Height and weight is found in EPR under patient information tab, in the Data Entry box. Elaine Nagy --10:28, 2018 February 13 (CST)


  • Random poll of 20 patients on EPR showed 11 out of 20 had weight entered=55% these were weights entered in other areas than ICU. The ICU staff do not use the EPR
  • bottom of flow sheet, often not there
  • White board in patients cubicle


  • 3 out of 20 random selected ICU patients had weight entered into EPR=15%
  • bottom of the ICU treatment record
  • bottom of ward vital sign record


  • On EPR under Patient Info tab often not completed
  • On the Clinical Data Sheet in the patient record, not always recorded
    • EPR under Patient info /data Entry/ height and weight
      • 2 VGH clinical data sheet /ht and wt with daily VS//nursing assessment and handoff to inpatient unit part 1 nursing initial assessment with vs /bs/ ht/wt.
      • 3 VIC medicine and family medicine standing orders under general orders under vs, ht and wt on admission. These are all areas where you can find ht and wt but the issue is compliance I would say maybe ¼ of charts have that information Thanks p:Shirley Kiesman