New Pharmacy collection Survey Apr.16.12

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Updated Feedback New Pharmacy collection

  • Hello everyone. We would like some updated feedback in regards to how the collection process with the new pharmacy is going at your site, any concerns with the collection tool itself, the time involved to obtain the information, and any other suggestion or comments that you may have. Your feedback will help the ICU task team to evaluate and address new or continued issues you have come up against. Meeting of Task team is on the first week of May. Thank you everyone for your efforts with the new pharmacy.Trish Ostryzniuk 14:39, 2012 April 16 (CDT)

Last survey done: Jan.26.12


  • Works well with EPR at St. B Lois
  • I'm finding the tool good as well.SBGH Marla
  • I much prefer it to the old pharmacy where doses had to be collected. Laura
  • Has reduced workload due to the days counted versus doses. Lorri SOGH


  • All sites are not equal in the challenges of this study.It can be done at HSC but adds a great deal on to data collections time depending on the complexity of the case.Most of my MICU patients are complex.The CCU patients are not and the IICU patients the length of stay becomes challenging.
    • Counting the days is much easier however I dont find the collection tool user friendly .It is hard to read,the print is micro tiny ,and it is very easy to put the days in the wrong category. I also agree with the above statement it does take time if you have a complex case.
  • When doing complex sepsis patients in particular it is very challenging to capture all the antibiotics for all the days and the MAR's do not organize this very well so it is difficult even with the electronic MAR.--LKolesar 09:13, 2012 April 19 (CDT)
  • Caution required for entering due to the limited space. It is very easy to enter accidentally in the wrong category--Lpruden2 10:08, 2012 April 19 (CDT)