Manitoba Health Crosschecking Sending Data

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Revision as of 12:11, 8 September 2014 by PTorres (talk | contribs) (Marc Silva's address)
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This article explains how to use MB Health Tool.mdb to send data to Manitoba Health as part of Crosschecking data with Manitoba Health.


  1. follow instructions at MB_Health_Tool.mdb#Starting_the_program to open the tool
  2. open query 1_new_export
  3. save as new query, using name yyyy-mm-dd-<C> export
    • C is optional, can be used for Comment if needed
    • examples would be 2014-08-20 or 2014-08-20-Resend
  4. right-click and design view the query
  5. edit the criteria to restrict the data
    • restrict fields Study and/or (SentDtTm and RecordStatus) and document settings used for a given exchange in #activity log below
  6. change to datasheet view to confirm the data is correct, then save
  7. right-click on the new query and click export
    • export the file as xlsx
      • save in M:\MB_Health_Records_Cleaning\exports
      • file name MH_yyyy-mm-dd.csv, e.g. MH_2014-08-20.csv
    • close program and push
  8. prepare accompanying documentation
    • We have a cover letter prepared already all I need to do is change the file name and number of records that I am going to send. PTorres 13:17, 2014 August 26 (CDT)
      • It is on my C:\MB_Health_Records_Cleaning\MEMO. PTorres 15:45, 2014 August 26 (CDT)
        • I think all supporting files should be stored on a file share so that they are backed up and anyone covering for Pagasa without her password could do this. Can we move the files to M:\MB_Health_Records_Cleaning where the .mdb lives? Ttenbergen 11:32, 2014 September 8 (CDT)Template:Discussion
  9. send the CD and letter to Manitoba Health via InterOffice mail (pick-up daily)

Marc Silva ,MSc Statistical Data Analyst Health Information Management Manitoba Health 4044-300 Carlton Street Winnipeg,MB. R3B 3M9

  1. update the #activity log, e.g. with "data exported and couriered" and the end points (e.g. up to study 123 or vetted records with sendDtTm < 1 jan 1900)

MB Health Binder?

  • For Marc Silva address I do have printed label which was file on the MB HEALTH binder. To send it just mail it regular envelop and put InterOffice mail no stamp needed.PTorres 15:51, 2014 August 26 (CDT)
  • Where is this MB Health Binder and what else do we do with it? Ttenbergen 11:32, 2014 September 8 (CDT)

For the two binder we will just keep the label of our contact person and history of the old process of MB Health. PTorres 12:06, 2014 September 8 (CDT)

activity log

newest entry on top, start line with * ~~~~~ then sign as usual

  • MH_2014-09-05-First sent to the new MHO program

PTorres 12:03, 2014 September 8 (CDT)

  • 15:46, 2014 August 25 (CDT) started development Ttenbergen 15:46, 2014 August 25 (CDT)