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Hospices are palliative/end-of-life care facilities, relevant to the program as admit/discharge locations

If a patient is admitted from or discharged to a hospice, code this as

  • admit from / discharge to : Hospice Care Center (ZH)
  • var 1/2:
    • GH - Grace Hospice
    • JH - Jocelyn House
    • BH - Brummitt-Feasby ALS House

Template:Discussion Question:

  • I have a patient discharge to Grace Hospice from Victoria ward so I code ZH as my discharge to location but the laptop won't let me put GH in var2 due to it states "must be local" so shouldnt GH JH BH be added to the location discharge to site ? so you can capture which hospice the pt goes to unless you are not collecting that specific type of detailed information.( we have always used GW when discharged to Grace Hospice)
    • at GGH we have been using discharge to "Grace ward" with variable "GH" when the pt goes to Grace Hospice. Are we also changing to d/c to "Hospice Care Centre" with variable "GH"? to clarify, do we still use discharge to Grace ward with the GH variable or are we also using discharge to Hospice Care with the GH variable? The Hospice is considered a ward here.--Stepanie Cortilet
    • Hi Tina. GH, JH and BH was suppose to be allowed in Var 1 & 2 for all sites in the Regional.
      • Correct, the program will not allow discharge to ZH and then Var 2 GH/BH/JH because only local wards are allowed to be in Var2. Because of a quirk it might have allowed Grace to send to GH only. I added the options in January but never tested entering it and then trying to set a patient to complete. I may need to change all the check code. I am surprised,though, that I had not heard about this before. Do we discharge to hospice that rarely?
        • Trish, could you prioritize if we should address this before dispo or as part of? Ttenbergen 16:07, 2015 May 13 (CDT)
          • I am not surprised at the rarity as Hospice Beds are notoriously full and difficult to access.--Llemoine 07:40, 2015 May 14 (CDT)