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Oculys is an IT system of some sort. As per content from COVID-19 (SARS-COV-2)

  • The Oculys app can be added to your desktop via ehealth
  • Oculys is an app used for bed utilization & flow purposes; it will give you information about current occupancy as well as available beds, pending transfers, bed status ie clean/dirty
  • *Covid suspected & confirmed diagnosis for each unit is available in the Location Occupancy field in the Census screen
  • offservice beds occupied on each unit are also listed here
    • Covid suspected & confirmed cases are visible in Oculys for each ward in the Location Occupancy field;if the Oculys app needs to be available from home, an individual account needs to be set up through ehealth; otherwise is accessible with a site universal user name & password at each site.

How is this accessed?

  • Mindy / Steph, since you say you have access, can you give a bit more detail about what this is and how you access it? HSC is not aware of Oculys. Also, could you look at COVID-19_(SARS-COV-2)#Lab_results_in_Oculys to answer the related question there?
    • There was an Oculys icon already set up on my laptop. However if log into your Citrix Receiver and scroll up to the folders Oculys is there and is there for each individual site, and Regional too. There are two columns one for suspect and one for positive Covid patients. They give you numbers, however they are WARD specific not patient specific. So you know how many patients are positive and suspect on any given ward but not which patients they are. Mcrawley 07:47, 2020 April 22 (CDT)
      • This has been set up at the Grace. To access Oculys click on the EPR tab and the Oculys folder comes up on the screen. Click on the Oculys folder, and each site will pop up. Everyone needs to get their own site login and password. The total number of positve/suspect Covid cases are listed as well as the number of positive cases on each ward.Gens 07:18, 2020 April 22 (CDT)
  • SMW

  • Cargo

  • Categories

Current access from sites

  • Have access:
    • Grace
    • STB
  • Don't have access or aren't aware of:
    • HSC

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